Cooler master Hyper 212 air cooling?!?!??!


Feb 21, 2008
I was doing alot of research on picking the right cooler for OC'ing my i5 2500k (to keep it under 60 degrees hopefully under load) and i stumbled onto some pretty expensive air/water coolers. then i found the cooler master hyper 212 which seems to ownn other air coolers in the $50-80 dollar price range and only costs around 25 bucks (epiccc deal). However I heard there was the option to add on a second fan and use a push/pull config, PLAIN and simple can someone show me a link on newegg or any site for this secondary fan (cant seem to find it...possibly because im retarded)

link for the cooler
I don't know about adding the second fan but I think everyone on this forum will you the Hyper 212 + is the cooler to get.
You just buy a 2nd fan and a set of 120mm fan clips for a few more $, that is the best cooler under $50 pretty much unless another is on sale, another good choice is thermaltake frio if you can find a sale it is an awesome cooler (i picked up a silver arrow for $70 and love it, blows my old h-50 out of the water plus is near silent)
Well, I`m running Hyper 212+ in push/pull. The second fan will result in a temperature drop of ~3 - 4 degrees Celsius.
Just make sure you use good fans....also depends on a lot of stuff, case, ambient temps ect.. if you want to OC like crazy I'd probably get Frio.
i have 2 hyper 212+ coolers that i got for $20 ea at fry's

i'm running my i5-2500K @4.3Ghz hyper212+ w/ a Gelid Silent 12 PWM fan (similar temps but less noise with the silent 12 fan) max load temps mid 70s (50c over ambient) running fur mark and intelburn test.

the install of the hyper 212+ isn't my favorite thing ever but it isn't too bad... for the money it can't be touched... it can be beat but not for $20

personally i find the stock fan annoying when it ramps up however... so i did replace it
I'm using CM 212+ Push/Pull, you can't really beat it for the price/perfomance.
I also have one on an i3-530 @ 4.6. Mine came with extra clips to add an additional fan.
It comes with extra plastic clips for a second fan. The last newegg photo shows the extra plastic clips. The other clips are already preinstalled.