Coolant Resevoir...Does size matter??


Limp Gawd
Jun 23, 2006
Ok, I think the title says it all. :) Just recently re-did my entire cooling system and I have a couple questions. First, I went from a cheapy all in one unit, to a new setup as follows:

Storm CPU block
DD NV78 GPU block for the 7900GTX
DD MAG12 pump
BIX II Pro radiator w/120mm 86CFM Panaflo's
Dual 5.25" bay Resevoir
1/2" Clearflex60

Ok, what I don't get, is my temps went up???? All the air is bleed, and yes, even from the radiator. Everything is running fine. Loop is from Pump>CPU>Rad>GPU>Res>Pump. So, is it my pump?? Not powerful enough??? The MAG 12 is only 143GPH, will I expect better temps from a Swiftech MCP655 317GPH pump, or am I better going with the Hydor L35II 450GPH pump?? Is maybe my resevoir too big?? Would a smaller one provide better performance?? This is really bugging me as I was using an inexpensive $130 all in one unit on the same loop with smaller tubing and I had about 5C+ cooler temps. Input would be awesome here. Thanks
i'd say that you should first give your thermal paste some time to settle then re-check temps.
yea the pump seems to be the problem, the storm is a high flow block and would need something lik the mcp655/laing d5 so id go for that ;)
Resevoir size won't matter after time when the entire loop reaches the maximum tempature that the radiator can sustain.

I think your loop should go from the CPU to the GPU and then to the radiator also. It doesn't make sense to heat the coolant, cool the coolant, then heat it again before sending it back to the CPU.
yea - didn't notice that. I'd definitely re-route and make sure rad comes in line first before CPU in some way.
Also, to make your radiator work more efficiently, the best way is not to blow into the radiator. Instead, pull air through the radiator. And to make it even more efficient, use a shroud or spacer between the fan and radiator. This will help alleviate the dead spot in the middle of the fan by allowing space between the fan and radiator therefore letting more air be pulled through the radiator.

I've tried many different configurations and this always gives me the best results.

If you have another cheap 120x120x25mm fan laying around, cut the fan out of the center to make a great shroud for the other fan.
I also agree, reloop your setup so that the cpu is getting the coolest (um) cooling directly from the rad.

Let us know how it works for ya!

Ristogod said:
Resevoir size won't matter after time when the entire loop reaches the maximum tempature that the radiator can sustain.

I think your loop should go from the CPU to the GPU and then to the radiator also. It doesn't make sense to heat the coolant, cool the coolant, then heat it again before sending it back to the CPU.

So going from the CPU to the Rad. is basically a waste?? I just figured by doing that it's cool the coolant down before going into the GPU. But, since I'm a tad new to water cooling, I'll gladly take your advice. So I should run it then from the pump > CPU > GPU > Rad. > Resovoir > back to the pump?? Or go to the Resevoir & then to the Rad. then back to the pump(if I can get it looped this way)?? I was thinking about shrouds too, found some that look pretty decent at D-Tek for $5.99 each. I am also guessing my 86CFM Panaflo fans are more than adequate for the radiator?? Sorry if I have alot of questions, just wanna get the best performance I can out of this. Also, what do you guys think of Swftech Hydrix?? Heard good and not so good things about it and was thinking of switching to FluidXP?? I'll go and get the new pump ordered and get the loop re-routed and let ya know how the temps are. Really appreciate the input guys. Thanks! :D

You don't absolutely need one, because you can also do the T-line to hold extra fluid instead of a res. I just went with a cool looking res for my next system I'm building. $45+ship on xoxide.

Well, I'm happy with the Res I guess, but I need to get the pump switched out and re-do my loop. I had looked at that resevoir from Thermaltake. Like it, but, it has all aluminum fittings/materials, which isn't good to be mixing with copper blocks. So, I'll keep my res., since it's working ok. I thought about a simple T-line, but decided not too, though I did add one with a DD filport(kind of a waste for me). When I get the new pump and shroud I'll get things re-done. Then I'll put up some picks for ya. Now if I could only find a flow meter with 1/2" ID fittings. :(
gets kind of expensive, but when I helped a friend liquid cool his p4 he wanted to overclock, i used 3 radiators... it went in a loop like this...
pump(450 gph)>rad>cpu>rad>gpu>rad>mem>res>
ofcourse, this is expensive, and putting all of the radiators on top of the tower made the room quite hot, but the computer stayed at about 78 degrees F at standard clock speed, and at 90 degrees F when overclocked to his liking, which was perfect for his liking. also, one thing i've heard is you want the radiator right before the cpu, as i hear the pump can heat the fluid, but only a little bit, but it can still matter.

edit: another note, i heard if you use anti-freeze, you can mix metals all you want, is this true?