Cool website value calculator. Hardforum worth

Dec 9, 2007
According to, hardforum is worth almost 1.1 million. Any ideas on how accurate the monthly earnings estimates are?

Nifty site in my opinion..

Value Report for
The following report outlines traffic levels received by the submitted URL, overviews sources of potential income, and proposes a resale value of the site based on these factors.

Your site is valued at: $1,097,580

Traffic Statistics
Alexa Traffic Ranking: 10,428
Google PageRank: 5
Average of 214,000 backlinks from major search engines.
Google (had to): 1.701 billion
MS: 109 million
Yahoo: 2.075 billion

Kinda nifty.
I'm pretty sure my Flickr account with pictures featuring my cats is not worth 22 million dollars to anyone, even a rich crazy cat person.
I'm pretty sure my Flickr account with pictures featuring my cats is not worth 22 million dollars to anyone, even a rich crazy cat person.

That's a single page, this "tool" however calculates the entire site.

Your site is valued at: $149,044,461

Traffic Statistics
Alexa Traffic Ranking: 9
Google PageRank: 8
Average of 197,000 backlinks from major search engines.
* Independent Advertising
Your site could earn approximately $1,855.71/Month through independent advertising arrangements specific to your site's niche. Take a look around to see if there are any companies which could benefit from advertising on your website.

Actually we already earn quite a bit more than that, and we've only had advertising for 2 months, and we haven't gone after site-relevant advertising (which commands higher CPM dollars) yet.

I'm very skeptical about how this magic black box is programmed. I'm pretty sure any of our developers could whip up something plausibly convincing in just a few hours - but it wouldn't be anything more than an amusing curiosity.
this is my site,

Value Report for
The following report outlines traffic levels received by the submitted URL, overviews sources of potential income, and proposes a resale value of the site based on these factors.

Your site is valued at: $754

Traffic Statistics
Alexa Traffic Ranking: 939,641
Google PageRank: 0
Average of 5,350 backlinks from major search engines.