Cool Picture Of The Day

Well, that's massively excessive. Just have a motor on the screen spinning an object and shining a light.
Might as well be Photoshopped. I can do that too with a long exposure time.
While being "real" to say it is not photo shopped is very misleading. Multiple photos and time delay are the hardware equivalent IMO.
I can do that too with a long exposure time.

So can I!


I knew it was a spinning light-source right away, I just didn't know the details.
I'd call Bethesda Game Studios and tell them you were having a marathon gaming session while playing Oblivion and an Oblivion gate seems to have opened around your laptop. Send them pictures and ask them how to close it.
you guys are all stupid that is obviously a halo from god around his computer.
While its definately a cool effect... I fail to see the signifigance of using the laptop in the picture. Would have been cooler if he had it floating around his head or something more sinister. I dunno.
" The photo above shows a golden ring of 60,000 volt sparks around my laptop."

woulda been cooler if you put your hand in it.. well at least it woulda been more of a show :)

a lot of photographers find it a challenge to do non-Photoshopped images. Many of us question as to why he bothered to do it. Mainly because he could and is not too far off from someone putting a computer in a vat of oil just to see if it will still work.

Sometimes logic doesn't have to dictate why someone does something.
I thought it was just a twirly LED he attached to the top of his screen... in reality was much more convoluted, dangerous and pointless... not something that after I read the explanation, I'd say... "that's cool", but I thought "boy that was senseless, I'd rather see if the computer would 'blend' ".

I guess it did get him on the front page of an uber-geeky website... so he *did* get his moment in geekdom.
While its definately a cool effect... I fail to see the signifigance of using the laptop in the picture. Would have been cooler if he had it floating around his head or something more sinister. I dunno.

He did stuff like that too, the guy has boatloads of suff on his website


and for your sinister needs
I'm guessing that someone's P4 3.06 (non-mobile)-based laptop just folded one too many cycles. :D

Just read the answer. Guess I can't be right every time. ;)
This is what too much time, and a hobby like high voltage power supplies will get you....
I thought this was going to be something way cooler, like maybe dancing 3dstudio max babies, or maybe a cat meowing "i love you". Instead we get this time lapse photo that sux donkey teats. Most disappointed... it'll be a long time before I'm baited with "Cool Picture of the Day" again.