Converting NTFS to Fat32


Limp Gawd
Feb 22, 2003
Alright I want to convert one of ym partitions that is currently ntfs to fat32 so I can install linux on that partition...i know partiton magic 8 can do it and there are a couple more but i really dont want to pay for if there is any way to do this without that program or if there is some free program can u guys help me?
how would i reformat it to fat32 on xp...its just one partition...and ive taken everything off of it so i will reformat if im shown how..
you really don't want to install linux on a fat32 partition

linux has full read write support for fat32 but it shouldn't be used as the main partition for an install

i'd say create a fat32 "swap space" where you can dump files back and fourth and install linux on a real linux file system, like ext3 or reiserfs

edit: oh and partition magic is probably your only option, i dont know any other program that will do what you want
Partition Magic can do it, but like above poster says, I would rather install Linux on a *nix file system like ReiserFS or ext3.
i just installed in on the just formated and converted now i can dual boot windows and linspire....
I had the same problem a year ago or so, when I was messing with Linux...I believe there is a windows commandline utility for doing this, but i forget what it is. Check around microsoft's site, I think you'll find it.
MKool said:
I had the same problem a year ago or so, when I was messing with Linux...I believe there is a windows commandline utility for doing this, but i forget what it is. Check around microsoft's site, I think you'll find it.
No, there isn't. Going from FAT32 to NTFS is a simple command (convert X: /ntfs) but you cannot downgrade from NTFS to FAT32.

PM and the like are just a bad idea in general, I wouldn't temp fate with a conversion.
Exactly. Partition Tragic, as it's called. I'm rather fond of calling it Parition Rape
provided you follow a few simple rules Partition Magic is great for most tasks

1. I run O&O defrag which is set to do check disk
2. do only one task at a time and reboot (resize>reboot>move>reboot>ect)
3. never use merge
4. never restart if it appears to hang, and always have backup and rescue disks

following those Ive never had a problem
and every time there was an "issue" there were multiple tasks involved
but not a single one when they were handled one at a time

as far as reversion to FAT32 from NTFS why would I ever do that? :p