Controller Super Mario With Your Eyes

You, st00pid sir, probably still have the use of your arms and legs.
Is it just me or did the girl seem like she had no idea what she was talking about?
i would rather spend 6 months training with an OCZ NIA than resort to that.....
I like how they added the "blowing into the cartridge trick" to make it work.
My little girl (3yrs) does that with the DS and Gameboy when they don't work.
they need to get it to wear it can read your thoughts instead. When you take your eyes off the game you can die easy by not seeing what is happening next IMO.
They just need to make it more sensitive. Then just turn your head up/down/left/right. Your eyes remain on the screen. Looks like right now they have to move their eyes so much this method doesn't work very well.
Maybe I'm wrong since I didn't watch the entire video, but why is this being played on (what looks like) an old ass 2 foot thick projection TV?