contacting microsoft about Money 2004


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 30, 2001
Does anyone have an actualy EMAIL address of phone number I can call to speak to a REAL PERSON at microshit?

I swear that company TRIES to piss you off making you look for contact information. NO, I dont want online tutorials, NO I dont want "help center" I dont want any of that stupid shit, I want to talk to a REAL PERSON.

can anyone help.
That depends on if you have a sales or technical support question....... if Tech support then be prepared to pay some money to talk to a real person.

Here are your Options
cyr0n_k0r said:
Ive already been to that page.. I want sales support.

The best your going to get directly from Microsoft is here. Else you can try to ask here in the forums and maybe someone might be able to answer your question.
what kind of bullshit company doesnt let you easily contact them about their products. Even a company as big as microsoft. Screw um.
cyr0n_k0r said:
what kind of bullshit company doesnt let you easily contact them about their products. Even a company as big as microsoft. Screw um.

What more are you expecting? That page lists at least a phone number to call. Just because they don't man the phones 24/7 is not any reason to get upset.

Is there any reason you won't post your question here where you might get a reasonable response?