Consumption Question.

L0s7 4 Lyf3

Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2004
I'm planning for the first LAN party that I'll organize. So, I have questions about power since I'm limited on how much my breakers can handle. My question is, how many amps would the typical gaming system require to run while gaming?

I've figured probably about 2-3amps. But I'm confused since most PSU say they require ~5A+. Which I assume is for max load, but since comps usually only require ~250W each, I came to 2 or 3.

Anybody know if I'm right or not?? How much approximately would they take?
heh, well a typical modern day computer will probably consump 400watts we'll say, a nice median and a little over the top just in case. PSUs are generally only about 70% efficent(and thats being nice) converting AC to DC. So thats 520 watts of AC power for 400watts of DC power. 520watts divided by 120volts is 4.3 amps.

now this is of course assuming everyone has a top knotch rig, i'm sure some will use much less, some use more. but i guess 4 amps per machine is being on the safe side.

edit: actually now that i think about it, even a prescott is only shown to use about 230watts, so i think your original estimate is probably much better. google some power consumption reviews where people stick a wattage meter between the socket and the PSU.
I’ve run 6 machines on one 20 AMP circuit. The breaker got just a little warm so I checked the current with an AMP Probe, it showed 18 AMPS. Those were 400 to 500 watt PSU’s with the machines all running 100% load 24/7.

If you’re going to spread the load try to use outlets with circuits from BOTH sides of the breaker box to balance the load. It’s just good practice and a bit more stable.

Ya, this LAN party is for a bunch of HS students. Most don't have really high end comps, only like AXPs and such.

One of the attendees-to-be ran 6 comps on one 15A breaker at his house so I'm not entirely sure of this. The whole issue seems to be in a nice big jumble. So I'm obviously a bit confused about the whole issue.

Manufacturers = 5-7A or 2-4comps/20A breaker
BillR = 6comps/20A breaker (which brings me to these questions. Did that include monitors? CRT's or LCD's? How many of each? Approximate setup of each comp?)
CzarDestructo = 4A per comp
Me = ~2.5A

So many contradictory numbers *gets woozy from all the brain activity*
Ah, my bad indeed. These are headless boxes doing Folding @ Home. Your probably ok with 6 full units per circuit, worst that can happen is you trip a breaker, won't burn down the house.
I know the formula that PDXLAN(read 500 man LAN) uses is 6 computers per 20a circuit, and they run with no problems unless some idiot brings a UPSBiggest issue i've had when running LANs is everyone booting at the same time, and/or after a breaker does trip, everyone coming back on at the same time which just automatically trips it again, even when changes are made to correct the problem. If you give even just 1 minutes in between boots, you should be fine in that situation