Constant Vista freezes...


Feb 21, 2008
hey all, haven't been here for a while so bear with me...

I just installed Windows Vista HP 64-bit with all the updates, and it seems like I have constant system freezes, where everything just hangs... I'm not sure what could be doing it, came from XP 64-bit and it worked flawlessly... Any ideas on what I should do?
hey all, haven't been here for a while so bear with me...

I just installed Windows Vista HP 64-bit with all the updates, and it seems like I have constant system freezes, where everything just hangs... I'm not sure what could be doing it, came from XP 64-bit and it worked flawlessly... Any ideas on what I should do?

What hardware? By updates do you mean you have the latest drivers installed for everything?
Everything thats in the signature for hardware...

And yes, everything is up to date.
I would check your PSU first. That is a common symptom of bad PSU.

I doubt that the PSU would suddenly have decided to start to fail after an OS install.

I'm gonna go with a damaged system file. Try an SFC /scannow from command prompt and verify your system file integrity.
Vista demands more of your hardware so PSU is a more common issue than you realize. The other common issue is borderline ram so do a memtest. Vista has one built in.
I've done enough PC service calls and OS installs / upgrades over the years to know that if you're having issues with a fresh clean install, and the previous OS worked fine, hardware is not the likely issue.

While Vista itself has more hardware demands than XP, the increase is small enough that if you weren't running into problems when your system was under high load with XP, you shouldn't be having them in a clean version of Vista.

I'll reiterate that your problem is not likely due to faulty hardware if you weren't having any issues in XP. I'd check your system files, check your hard drive if you did a quick format, make sure you are running at least Service Pack 1, and look for device configuration / driver issues.
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I've done enough PC service calls and OS installs / upgrades over the years to know that if you're having issues with a fresh clean install, and the previous OS worked fine, hardware is not the likely issue.

Not likely but still a possibility. If you are such a great PC tech then you should know that one explores every possible avenue and the first thing one checks if it is not so obvious issue is check the PSU. We are both guessing here so am just giving ideas to check so lay off the contradictions. K?
Not likely but still a possibility. If you are such a great PC tech then you should know that one explores every possible avenue and the first thing one checks if it is not so obvious issue is check the PSU. We are both guessing here so am just giving ideas to check so lay off the contradictions. K?

Didn't say it wasn't a possibility. But generally, when troubleshooting a problem, you investigate the most likely causes before the unlikely causes. ;)

In this circumstance I would not check the PSU before running a file integrity check etc. If this had happened out of the blue on well-used installation of XP, testing the PSU certainly would be high on my list of things to check.

I charge flat rates for my services. If I charged by the hour, maybe things would be different :p
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it makes sense to do what you can do first ..if problems don't obviously point to hardware problems, then look elsewhere first ..and I would wager that most people don't have extra PSU's , memory, video cards ..etc laying around to just swap out for troubleshooting purposes to begin with..

is the OP using a bonified install disc ..or a self burned iso from off the internet ..?