constant reboot?


Sep 27, 2004
Hi guys, I eas just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if they found a solution.

I just bought some computer parts to create a nice basic family computer.
I bought a 2.5 ghz dual core intel processor, 2 gig of kingston value ram (800 mhz)
A 500 gb drive from western digital (32 mb cache dual processor).
and i had a 250gb drive from wd that i thought was broken.and a new 550 watt antet powersupply.and the P5QPL-VM EPU from asus

I hooked everything up just fine, double checked everything, and booted her up.
the 1st problem that happened was that it would hang during the bootup process of the expressgate.After a bios reset the computer booted up fine, so i went to install windows vista on my brandnew harddrive. it would load the initial files, and then before the actual setup started, the monitor would go on stand by...and no activity anywhere else.
Windows xp did almost the same, but would just reboot the computer at the point it should have gone to format the drive.

this happened with either the 250gb or the 500gb harddrive.
ooh and mandriva linx crashed to. the only one that worked was puppy linux, which runs exclusively on the memory.

I think it is the mobo, but i might be doing something wrong, can anyone tell me?

My thanks.
I had a similar problem with loading Win 7 install. The problem was the DVD drive. Changed to a different drive and all went smooth. Win 7 is picky on DVD drives for installing from some notes I've read at different sites. No problem with the drive that didin't work in other systems.
i'll have to try that, it's the only thing i haven't tried i'll try install outside of the case to see if there is a short.