Connecting 2 n/w( wireless or fiberoptic)


Jul 13, 2006

I wana connect 2 computers ,one at my home and other is at cousins.We both do alot of projects together so we have to share data always. His house is about 400 to 600 meters away.Thats the displacement distance if we go wireless.While if i use wire then the distance would be about 1KM as i have to pass through a number of blocks.

Which one would be cost effective. A wireless or fiberoptic. In wireless we'll have to use accesspoints and antenae and stuff, while in fiber optic we'll only have to use a cable ,which brings me to another thing. Does fiber optic simply connects to simple ethernet lan cards.

suggestions please.
a straight fibre connection will be very expensive to run

do you both have broadband?
as a vpn connection would be the cheapest easiest to run

after that a wifi link
and then a fibre link

speed would also go in that order

if broadband was not available or not fast enough i would go with a wifi link

the distance is nice and short i would use something like 2 of these
and 2 of
with the suitable pigtails and such