Congratulations to the [H]orde for a new PPD record


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2008
Oct 12, 2004
Now that the points zeroing effet is gone, we can now see a new average and we broke the 2,6 millions PPD with 2,640,365 PPD at the time of writing. We are now distancing OCAU to recover the lost lead and if things continue that way, we are bound to break the 3 millions milestone soon.

Be the first to break the 3 millions PPD milestone and we can do this !

As my 10yo son tells me, "Cool Beans"

I would also like to take this opportunity to announce that I have finally become one of the Chosen!

Yeah man, that 12 or so million points loss was nothink ;). I gots a' 8800gt coming by pony express in next few days to add a few points to the cause, plus I just peeped at the the milestone thread deal and we's definitely "peein' in high polyester" (err..., I mean cotton, no, I mean grass or giant sequoia's :rolleyes:) Say Xilikon, what's this deal about peein' on giant sequoia's, don't you know they're protected species and "Greenspeace" 'll have your a$$ if they catch you :eek: ?

Congrats to US!!!! We ARE the folding machine :)
Another interesting thing is that we are now roughly doing double of the MPC production.. We cannot wait for the next CC and show them who are the gorilla !

Another interesting thing is that we are now roughly doing double of the MPC production.. We cannot wait for the next CC and show them who are the gorilla !

I'd go over and bring up the PPD difference, but they'll just whine about us pointing out the obvious, then go on and on about what big plans they have in store. And I've given up on the big plans for this summer they kept talking about. :D

I want to add another G92 GTS after I get a baseline on the one I have.
Questions: My mobo supports 3 vid cards, after I add another GTS for SLI gaming/Folding could I add a GS just as a folding unit?
Can I run 3 GPU2 clients?
I have a Q6600. Will that give me the cpu support needed for this?

*HIGH FIVES* to all you [H]ard Folding Machines out there! Makes me proud to be [H]ard.

I want to add another G92 GTS after I get a baseline on the one I have.
Questions: My mobo supports 3 vid cards, after I add another GTS for SLI gaming/Folding could I add a GS just as a folding unit?
Can I run 3 GPU2 clients?
I have a Q6600. Will that give me the cpu support needed for this?

Mixing GPU core types does not work well. Such as.. for your GTS (since it's a G92 It's probably a 512) mixing a G92 and a G80 in the GTS family will cause the second and third cards to fold slower. Mixing GTS/GT is also an issue (even if both are G92). Mixing GTS/GS will also be an issue.

Best move for you is to sell me the GTS512 for about $85-$90 and use that to go the GS route.... :D

Seriously, spend a little time reading/searching this forum before moving ahead with multi-GPU to avoid what so many others here found out the [H]ard way (sorry, couldn't resist that). Basically pair up your GPU's with like GPU's 8800GT/8800(9800)GT; 8800GS/8800(9600GSO)GS; 9600GT/9600GT etc.. etc..

Mixing GPU core types does not work well. Such as.. for your GTS (since it's a G92 It's probably a 512) mixing a G92 and a G80 in the GTS family will cause the second and third cards to fold slower. Mixing GTS/GT is also an issue (even if both are G92). Mixing GTS/GS will also be an issue.

Best move for you is to sell me the GTS512 for about $85-$90 and use that to go the GS route.... :D

Seriously, spend a little time reading/searching this forum before moving ahead with multi-GPU to avoid what so many others here found out the [H]ard way (sorry, couldn't resist that). Basically pair up your GPU's with like GPU's 8800GT/8800(9800)GT; 8800GS/8800(9600GSO)GS; 9600GT/9600GT etc.. etc..

As long as the cards have the same number of shaders then they tend to fold together without any loss of points.
Its when you have cards with a different shader count together, then the some cards fold slower.

I have a Q6600. Will that give me the cpu support needed for this?

You can run 3 GPU clients off one CPU core without a loss of points, even under XP.
So lock all 3 GPU clients to one CPU core and then run a couple of VM's over the other 3 CPU cores to maximize your points.
Thats what I do on my dual GPU + Q6600 boxen.

Luck ........... :D
As long as the cards have the same number of shaders then they tend to fold together without any loss of points.
Its when you have cards with a different shader count together, then the some cards fold slower.

You can run 3 GPU clients off one CPU core without a loss of points, even under XP.
So lock all 3 GPU clients to one CPU core and then run a couple of VM's over the other 3 CPU cores to maximize your points.
Thats what I do on my dual GPU + Q6600 boxen.

Luck ........... :D

You can even run a vm on two cores and several gpu clients and add even more points. That works in xp as well and as of yesterday a-2 cores were back and even working.;)

It's nice to see the horde adapt and overcome......we are one strong team:D

Power and net be setup and full on at my new Apt this fri/sat hopefully.
Until then I can't fold :(
Sobering thought, if you lot matched OCAU in ppd per active member, you would already be at 3.3 megapoints per day.

Numbers tell.

The primary recruiting base of OCAU is Australia and NZ, total population of about 26 million. As opposed to the primary recruiting base of the [H]orde, US and Canada, must be near 400 million.
Let me clarify...
Both GTS' will be G92's
Is there a "cheap" card that uses the G92? (I thought the gs used the G92 yes? no?)
Each GPU2 client uses a core to "feed" it.
I want to run 3 G92's, each fed by one core, leaving me one core for mundane comp tasks.
2 Of the G92's (GTS') will be sli'd for gaming.

Let me clarify...
Each GPU2 client uses a core to "feed" it.

The nVida GPU client only uses around 15-20% of the CPU time so running multiple GPU clients on one core is ok.
In the client there is a wait loop while the CPU is waiting for data back from the card.
Vista reports the loop correctly but under XP this loop is recorded at 100% load even though the CPU is basicly doing nothing.
Hence the difference in reported CPU useage between Vista and XP with the nVidia GPU client.

The ATI client is in more need of a CPU core to feed it but that depends on exactly which card you have and which protiens you get.

Luck ............ :D