Confused with Monster DVI Cable >> little help please

didn't click the link.. firewall donest like tracking cookies.. .but i believe you're looking for a cable with males on each side... if you are confused as to what is a male cable and what is a female cable... think of the anatomy...
Holy! 99 bucks!

Do NOT buy a DVI cable from Monster... get a cheap-o one. There is no reason to get a "high quality" DVI cable, seeing as it's a digital connection.

Save some bucks :)
Pixelbound said:
Holy! 99 bucks!

Do NOT buy a DVI cable from Monster... get a cheap-o one. There is no reason to get a "high quality" DVI cable, seeing as it's a digital connection.

Save some bucks :)

Oh god, not this again :rolleyes:
Actually in the mag cpu power user they tested this issue. And its true there was no difference in dvi monster vs cheap one. Did the same thing on a usb 2.0 cable too. Same transmission rates bigger pricetag.

I have an HDTV and the tuner uses a dvi cable. I had the same question, so I asked the experts here in town (Phoenix) jerrys audio and video and they said that they would let me borrrow it and I could let them know. They are right down the street and I did buy my tv from them too.

No difference at all.

Save your money.

here is my tv