Confused about bus vs. DDR2 memory speed


Limp Gawd
Aug 24, 2005
I'm ordering a new machine tonight or early tomorrow morning after my 2 1/2 year old one died today while installing a BFG 8800GT OC... mobo is totally dead, ugh, really hope the card is ok.

So far I've picked out the Gigabyte GA-X38-DQ6 mobo, and the Corsair 620HX PSU.

I'm trying to decide between the E6850 and the Q6600 for the CPU but regardless of which one I choose I'm really confused about the memory...

If the CPU says 1066 or 1333 FSB, does this not correlate to the RAM speed you need? I helped my best friend build an E6600 system a few months ago and we got DDR2 1066 based on this assumption and it says DDR2 1066 when we boot the machine etc... is this wrong? Are we overclocking his CPU without knowing it?

So basically, I'm good just getting this (ridiculously) cheap 4GB G.Skill DDR2 800 on newegg?

Ok cool I'm gonna order in a sec... I should be able to OC the chip to 3Ghz fine with this right? If I'm understanding correctly now that's still below the rating of this RAM right? (333)
DDR2 800 is rated to run up to a 400FSB. So yes it will work fine at 333, DDR2 1066 would be good up to a 533 FSB. Of course you can always change the memory divider to make the RAM run faster than the CPU FSB too.