Computer wont startup!


Feb 22, 2006
Hello. I have just bought new hardware to my "old" computer. I bought:

ECS nforce4-a939
AMD 3200+

I had (same

1gb ddr pc3200
200gb hd
Antec 450W (Sonata II)

Problem; First bootup the computer started up and I went into BIOS to change Boot order. Then I was going to the XP installation/formating when it sais something like: Boot disk failure, insert a system disk and press enter. I had the XP cd in so I turned the computer off. 2 sec later when I was turning it on - DEAD. Sometimes it's like the system "half-starts up". It is like it's trying to startup but fails. The fans spins maybe 1 time and then it turns off...

I now, 4hours later, took out the motherboard and putted it on a cutting board and there it started up, BUT, when I turned it off it wont start up again!!!! Why is the system doing this? Starts up one time and then it's Dead! Please help :/
Reset CMOS. Unplug all devices and cables except for PSU, video, one stick of RAM, and power on switch. If it POSTS, plug devices in one by one until you find the problem. Also try it with a different, known good PSU, if you have it.
I have just tried that now (psu, video, ram) and it's still DEAD. No response when I press the on button.
OK, I'll see tomorrow if I can find another PSU... There is no LED's on this motherboard so I can't see if it's getting power or not... Well, I'll be back when I have another PSU :)
I have got another PSU now - a Tagan 420W. The computer have started now, Im gonna try to shut if off and then start it again..
Haha.. now it works perfectly... guess I need to buy a new PSU then.. To be sure it will work I will buy the same PSU, a Tagan 420W i-Xeye