Computer won't recover from standby?


Oct 2, 2000
What would cause a computer not to recover from standby (aka suspend) mode? It seems to be trying as I see hard drive activity but no display. I have to physically switch it off then back on to get back into windows.
I thought maybe it was a windows thing but I just installed Fedora (Linux) on a separte drive and I'm still having the same problem with that.
I have also recently installed a new power supply but am still having the problem.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!
when you mean recover do u mean a display on the monitor?...make sure devices such as hard drives, keboards, mice and video cards are not turned off during standby and make sure they are enabled to bring out the pc out of standby..i remember my usb dsl modem was enabled and my pc would turn itself on out hibernation..and thought it was alive!!
Consider yourself lucky when you actually DO recover.. I've known maybe 3 or 4 computers that i've worked with that can do the standby thing easily.

Mine will recover if you dont let it sit in that mode for a long time, but never does it if you let it sit over night.

Basically my reccommendation would be to invest in quieting your computer (if too loud to keep on), buy a higher effieciency PSU if worried about electricity, or live with the noise or cost/month. Also, Hibernation is a good alternative to standby...

It has to do with your hardware not being able to basically "juice up" and come back into a working state. Somtimes its drivers, somtimes its mobo or hardware specific. Could be anumber of things really.. It just really do as suggested above in my post if you want a quick resume.

Just wondering, could you list some specs of your rig? (mobo, ram, vid) Just wondering which components possibly have this problem.

Hope this helps, Dave.
Thanks for the replies guys. Yes I mean I don't get video on the monitor. I thought that I'd found a solution when I saw a setting in the BIOS that said something like "Repost video on resume" but it had no effect


My main specs are listed in my sig, other than that the ram is samsung (4x512), hard drive is a Seagate 7200.7, Asus TV/FM tuner card, NEC 97F CRT. The only slightly unusual thing I have is one of those Abit ATA to SATA converters.

Just out of curiousity what would you recommend for a high efficiency power supply? I bought a Thermaltake TR-430 a few days ago and it seems to work fine, but it uses 25 Watts more power at idle than the cheap generic 400 Watt power supply it replaced.

Incidently it won't recover from hibernation mode either. It gets as far as the load screen (the dos style one like Win2K has) then just a back screen. Pretty stange eh?
I should mention that my system works fine other this.
Yeah that is weird! I'm not sure really, must have to do with some device, I really don't know. Best thing to try if your really serious about finding a solution is to take out lets say the TV tuner, and try the standby. Trial and error with each add-in component. Also, somtimes drivers in windows will mess it up, and a format every year or so is necessary.

A Higher efficiency PSU would make the conversion (AC to DC) from the wall to power your computer can use more efficient. That's the function of a PSU basically, take power from the wall and convert it into usable energy. Meaning if your computer (components inside) draw 200w, a 70% efficient PSU will draw around 285w from the wall. This also creates more heat the fan will need to dissipate inside the psu also creating more noise. You can calculate this by [wattage drawn by components inside computer] \ [effiency (ie. .7 for 70%]

So when you jump to say 80% efficiency, instead of drawing 285w for the given component draw, you'll only be using 250w..Not a huge difference, but there is one there and can let a few dollars free on electricity I believe if you leave it on frequently.

Just a thought.

Anyways goodluck on everything!
i think your problem might be the ATA to SATA converter...or some hard drive error because i beleive hibernation takes a 512mb of space
blue_dragon said:
i beleive hibernation takes a 512mb of space

Takes however much ram you have by doing a complete dump of the ram to a the hibernation file on the hard disk, then will boot from that when resuming.
Heh great minds think a like :)

I just removed the ATA - SATA adapter before reading this but no change.

Like you say it's pretty much gotta be hardware, cause otherwise I wouldn't have the same problem in Linux.

I think when my exams are over I'll start tearing hardware out until it works...and if that doesn't work it will give me an excuse to upgrade :D

I dunno....when you do the math power supply efficiency does make a big difference. I think with the way energy costs are going a high efficiency power supply might pay for itself in a year or two.

Actually since I'm procrastinating from my homework....

If you save 50W on average with a better power supply:

50W * 24hr * 365days/yr = 438kWh per year

Power here currently costs$0.105 per kWh so...

438kWh * $0.105 = $45.99 per year in savings.