Computer not booting off Setup CD


Limp Gawd
Feb 19, 2011
I am trying to install Windows Server 2003 on a server that I recently got and the computer for some reason will not boot off the setup cd.

I downloaded Windows Server 2003 here:

And burned the image, correctly, to a CD and popped the cd into the server computer's disk drive. When I went to boot off the CD the computer simply booted to the OS, which I am trying to get off the computer with this fresh OS install.

Any ideas?
Are you sure the Server 2003 iso didn't corrupt during download? Have you tested it in a VM to see if it boots?
I clicked your link and had a look, is the "Windows® Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK ISO Install", actually the full Server 2003? Isn't that just tools to develop apps for server 2003?
I clicked your link and had a look, is the "Windows® Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK ISO Install", actually the full Server 2003? Isn't that just tools to develop apps for server 2003?

Wow! How did I miss this one?

Yes, SDK == "software development kit." These are just tools that assist programmers and developers in crafting applications specifically used for Windows Server.
There used to be a link on Microsoft's website that contained a Windows Server 2003 Installation ISO and a trial key, but it looks like they replaced it with a trial for Server 2008 R2,

Edit: Is OP a student currently attending college or a university, by any chance? Might want to look into Dreamspark as MS still offers Windows Server 2003. Either that or get a Technet Pro subscription, if this server is not being used in production environments.
Wow! How did I miss this one?

Yes, SDK == "software development kit." These are just tools that assist programmers and developers in crafting applications specifically used for Windows Server.
There used to be a link on Microsoft's website that contained a Windows Server 2003 Installation ISO and a trial key, but it looks like they replaced it with a trial for Server 2008 R2,

Edit: Is OP a student currently attending college or a university, by any chance? Might want to look into Dreamspark as MS still offers Windows Server 2003. Either that or get a Technet Pro subscription, if this server is not being used in production environments.

Currently going to a community college? I will have to look up this dreamspark.