Computer help/Build suggestion


May 16, 2006
Hi, I'm having some problems with my computer that I built 5 years ago. Everything was fine until 2 days ago when I could not get it to power on. After pushing the button 20-30 times it finally turned on. Same thing happened today. There are power/reset buttons on the motherboard and I tried them too, but it was same.
Could this be a PSU problem or a motherboard problem?

This is my current computer :

DFI Lanparty nF4 Ultra-D
AMD Opteron 165
G. Skill 2GB DDR500
Enermax Liberty 500W

I was thinking maybe I should upgrade. I only have $150 to spend. What is the best CPU+Motherboard+RAM combination I can get with this? I only need 2 GB of ram.
Would it be better to buy a new CPU or look for used?
Well first of all, hit up the Basic Troubleshooting Guide. The info you've provided isn't conclusive at all to say it's either the PSU, mobo, or something else.

Now as for a replacement, do you happen to live near a Fry's?
That was one kickass system 5yrs ago. :p I had nearly the same setup, but used OCZ RAM and an Antec PSU instead. I do know that DFI boards are extremely picky. First, I'd suggest trying another, good PSU. The Liberty is probably on its way out, considering its 5yrs old. I had to replace my Antec PSU about 2.5yrs after the initial build. I don't remember if I had to RMA that one or not (had several), but I replaced it with a Corsair HX620 and still had issues. I finally settled on an EA380, since it was the only one that would reliably power up the system -- I ended up selling the whole setup to a friend who still uses it, btw.

What vidcard do you have in there? Had a 7800GT in mine... you know, got it right before they released the 7900GT. :p :mad: :eek:

If you go to Fry's, grab a Corsair or Antec non-Basiq PSU. Avoid the rest. (Earthwatts, Neo ECO, and Truepower NEW/Trio/Quattro are fine -- again, avoid everything else from Antec; you don't need a signature series, lol)
@enginurd : Yea the beast is now a pussy cat :D I have a 7600GT >_> I bought 8800GT but I stopped gaming and I needed cash so I sold it.

Does anyone know if I can take my pc to Fry's or someplace and tell them to try another PSU? Since I might buy a new one and the PSU might not be what's causing the problem.

Just for curiosity, how much better will the Athlon II X2 245 2.8GHz be compared to my Opt 165 ?
I bought my cpu for $380 !! The X2 245 is under $60 ..
About night and day if i remember the stock clock of the opt was 1.8 GHz, where the 245 is 2.9 GHz. That is whole 1.1 GHz
You're not running the Opty at stock, are you? :p I ask because I know very few people who bought the 165 to simply run at stock, lol. Anyhow, here's a rough benchmark, assuming you OC'd the 165 to 2.4Ghz:

I wouldn't say night and day, but this is all subjective. I multitask intensively, so the only night and day difference for me would have to be with a quad and some SSDs. :p