Computer for my aging parents - Win 7 64 vs. 32 bit


Limp Gawd
Mar 30, 2008
I've got a spare machine I was considering donating to my parents. It's got the following parts:

Asus A8N SLI Premium
3800 X2 socket 939
2x1GB OCZ Platinum DDR 400
8800GTS 640MB
WD 640GB Blue
PCP&C 500W

This is on the "minimum" specs list for running Win 7 64-bit, RAM-wise. Am I better off installing the 32-bit version of 7 given the amount of RAM (I'm not about to buy another 2GB of DDR400) or will the 64-bit version be a better long-term choice? The last machine I gave them (Athon 2500+ Mobile @ 2.3GHz, 6600GT) is showing its age now that they got a 23" monitor and expect video and all their applications to run smoothly.

I'm leaning towards 32-bit, but I'm not sure if I'll regret this - I don't really plan on upgrading them again for another 2-3 years. I suppose I could get them more RAM if that were the weak point, but it's dinosaur technology these days.

TBH, you need to part that system while the demand for those parts are high. Here is a deal from Dell that is awesome and includes a 24" monitor (which you can keep or take thier 23")

Vostro with 24"lcd =449

FYI the X2's are going for 50+
2gb of ram is 50+
8800gts can go for 50
and sell the other componets for 50
200 for the purchase of this system
I hadn't considered that... the main thing that makes that deal appealing is that I can keep the 24" monitor... or take their 23", though it has a weird resolution (2048x1152). I guess I have to ask myself whether I want to deal with the trouble of parting out to get a new rig for them (though maybe re-use the 8800GTS).
I sitll <3 my G80 8800GTS. The G80 was just too cool, I don't care for all you new kids with your 3 gagillion PPD XFX Geforce GTX 9000 GTX --GTX edition cards...

I'm not bitter...


Yeah if you do want to give it to your parents, I'd get em on 64 bit, push the transistion, especially if theres zero loss in doing so....

NT6 32bit emulation is so unbelievably good It's... well seamless. Theres really nothing to get hung up on about recomending a 64bit version of windows except to speed up the transition so we can start using 64bit compilers!
Yep, thats a dual core, 3gb of ram, 500gb hd, 1080p playback - and people are looking for the 939 X2 stuff like mad-as well as the ddr1

You can order whatever it cam with and swith to 64 bit if you have a 64 bit disc.
if you keep the system.. go with 32bit.. will make life easier for your parents.. instead of having to deal with the separate program files folder for 64bit apps and 32bit apps.. 2x1GB will be more then enough for them.. especially on windows 7..
I sitll <3 my G80 8800GTS. The G80 was just too cool, I don't care for all you new kids with your 3 gagillion PPD XFX Geforce GTX 9000 GTX --GTX edition cards...

I'm not bitter...


Yeah if you do want to give it to your parents, I'd get em on 64 bit, push the transistion, especially if theres zero loss in doing so....

NT6 32bit emulation is so unbelievably good It's... well seamless. Theres really nothing to get hung up on about recomending a 64bit version of windows except to speed up the transition so we can start using 64bit compilers!

I had the 8800GTS 320MB original, not all the rebranded shit!
To be honest 64 bit really doesn't have any advantages other than allowing more than 3gb or RAM. That being said, it wouldn't be a bad idea to give them the option in case they want to use their money to add RAM later on. Applications are using more and more ram these days. There is no price difference between the two, and the 64bit will run all their 32 bit apps.
What 32-bit apps do they use?

They just use it for basic stuff - web, email, google earth, various word stuff. My mom also does some photo editing and makes little slideshows and edits home movies for friends/family. And they like watching DVDs on the computer. Nothing too intense and probably no real need for 64-bit - i.e. they aren't running a bunch of apps at the same time or doing any 3D modeling or anything.

For the near-term I was thinking that 2GB would probably be fine, but as I want it to last 3+ years before the next refresh, I was considering the fact that 64-bit is quickly becoming the norm. And as my 64-bit system uses 1GB just idling at the desktop, maybe 2GB wouldn't be sufficient.

I think the best plan right now is the suggestion to part out the system. Sell the 3800+ X2, the RAM, and the motherboard. Replace with something like an E5200, 4GB, and a basic motherboard. Just bummed that RAM is so damn expensive now...
You can get an AM3 system pretty cheap (A2 X2 245/785G) and start with 2GB of DDR3, then when DDR3 prices drop add another 2-4GB while the prices are right.
32 bit simply because regardless to what some people say, it is more compatible and removing any last thing that can cause a compatibility issue is a good idea.

Hell, giving them Windows XP is also a good idea.
32 bit simply because regardless to what some people say, it is more compatible and removing any last thing that can cause a compatibility issue is a good idea.

Hell, giving them Windows XP is also a good idea.

For the OP's situation, I have to agree. If they're used to XP already, keep them on it.
Thanks for the additional input. I'll check out some of the AMD deals (like the 620, that's a nice quad for the price). I guess I've been on an Intel kick the last few years after the 3800+ and should give them some consideration. Already got the DVD (Samsung), case (silverstone HTPC), HD (WD 640GB AAKS), PSU (either a 400W seasonic or a 500W PCP&C), and video card (8800GTS 640MB) covered, so I probably won't be replacing those.

As for XP - my parents are older and retired, but still kind of interested in the new tech. Thus, they like the overall look, feel, security, and media features of Windows 7 and made a specific request for an o/s upgrade. I've been using it for the last year and haven't found a reason why I wouldn't recommend it to them - even the 64-bit version. I've got another month or so before I see them to think about the build details. Thanks again for the suggestions.