Computer doesn't power up.


Jul 5, 2003
For some reason my other computer often sometimes turns on and sometimes doesn't when I press the switch. Thought might be the switch problem but there's nothing wrong with it. I checked to see if PSU is giving power to mobo and it did as I can clearly see the mobo LEDs and ethernet activity lights on. But for some reason at random times (often when I open the comp) it just doesn't turn on. I have to take out the PSU plug and replug it few time to get it working. Any idea? :confused:

I don't think it's the PSU since the comp doesn't really have anything inside, but who knows.
could be....I would use another one for a bit to see, but if you don't have another one handy then... *shrugs*
hm... something just weird happened. comp turned on but onboard ethernet didnt work... lol then i turned off played with plug for a bit and when i pushed power button it turned on and ethernet worked. lol. :confused:

I'm thinking its either PSU or mobo, but mobo (month old) is pretty new so I dont think its mobo.