computer audio in the living room - need advice


Apr 19, 2000
Hello all. just moved into a new house and the computer is far away from the living room. Previously I had just run a digital cable from the sound card to the reciever to get audio to the stereo. I am looking to listen to my mp3s and internet radio in the living room via the internet and the computer. I dont mind, and would actually prefer, if I had to control it via the computer in the office. I was thinking of putting together a basic PC with wifi and using VNC or winamp web interface but was hoping for a more elegant hardware solution. Anyone have a rec? Thanks,

Modded XBOX all day long.

It would work using your existing remote control in the living room. Use Xbox Media Center to for the front end and connect via a share to the Music on your computer. If you have the HD adapter it will be digital (optical).

Look up XBMC as it is one of the most elegant solutions.

Other thoughts are to switch receivers to something like the Marantz ZR6001SP that uses DaveD as that can attach to your music.

Or a music connection box like the ones from linksys