Computer acting strange

May 3, 2007
So after the computer has been on for a while it seems to freeze. Usually around a day, but it differs every time.

The mouse works, I can talk on AIM, I can right click on the desktop... but when I try to open IE, winamp, notepad, wmplayer, or any type of program it just sits there. I try to open process manager but that won't even open. I try to close running programs, they won't close. I try shutting down, it won't shut down. I have to click the reset button on my case.

After I restart the computer, its works perfectly until it happens to freeze up again.

I checked my hard drive with speed fan and the drive seems just fine. I dont know if I should reinstall windows or not.

I'm thinking it might be a hardware issue. Possibly the memory? I always seem to get problems with programs and memory reference errors on random programs.

I guess i'm gonna run memtest86 and see what that says, but do you guys have any other suggestions? Could it be anything else that's wrong with it?
how many memory sticks do you have ? if this is a hardware issue based
in the memory modules, see if any of the sticksa are faulty by swapping
them in and out.
Well I have 2 sticks of 1gb for a total of 2gb. I don't want to buy new RAM unless I have to. So you think I should take one out and see if it works? Then try the other one the same way?

Should I do that first or memtest86 first?

Also, does this even sound like a memory issue?
your system appears to have issues handling programs in real time - the more demanding
the task, the more problems you face., especially with your mention of random programs
generating memory reference errors. it may not be so random.

you can try memtest because that should stress both modules. but you can also try
running intense tasks on a single module to see if you can detect if one module is
stronger or less buggy than the other.
So they never did this before and i've had the system for almost a year. Could it just be wear on them?

This whole problem has been going on for about 5 days now. Any reason it would start now?