Compare Fallout 3 to Mass Effect for me

Yeah, the PC version has its own PC-Only hacking game.

Fallout 3 and Mass Effect are about as far apart as you can get given their similar presentation. I didn't enjoy Fallout 3 at all, but I did enjoy Mass Effect.

Fallout 3 is a game you'll enjoy primarily if you prefer to make/play your own games and scenarios. It's the kind of game you'll like if you hated playing the storyline of the GTA series but liked everything else about the games.

Mass Effect is essentially the opposite. Mass Effect is the game for you if you hate the idea of "Here's a huge world, GO!" being the premise for a game. Mass Effect has a driving plot, events that affect your characters motivation and freedom in-game etc.

Basically it comes down to WHY you play RPG's; Do you play them for the storylines, the characters and the writing? Or do you play them for the scenery, the discovery and the possibility? Mass Effect is very much the former, Fallout 3 the latter.

This sums it up perfectly.

And lol @ the guy who didn't like Fallout 3 but barely did any side quests at all. :p
fallout 3 buggy?

how so, just got this game to play on my i7.

moar detail plz...thx
haha, he was meaning at release. It was VERY buggy for some parts. But with the patches and everything, all has been fixed

cool, i played till you get to out of the vault with the frame limiter on. then i needed to take that off. soo use to tearing on my crt, its not a big deal.

i like the fact that there are so many mods to make this game better.