Compaq Presario V4000


Limp Gawd
Jan 28, 2004
I have a Compaq Presario V4000 and have two problems with it and need some advice.

1. Wont boot into windows. It shows the boot screen as if the os is loading but never does load. Then I get a blank screen with the compaq logo and it tells me to press f12 to change boot order. Eventually after a while I get this error about realtek ethernet controller: "PXE-E61 -Media test failure - Check cable. PXE-M0F - Exiting RXE Rom".

2. Tried changeing boot order (which was at ethernet) over to cd drive to boot from windows cd and reinstall but it wont boot from the windows cd, it just carries on trying to load OS as if there was no cd in the drive.

I googled problemk one and a lot of people say that everything works ok after either changing the boot order to hard drive or putting in a new hard drive. I changed the boot order to boot from hard drive but it didnt work. I dont breally want to buy a new hard drive for nothing either.
Yeah I tried that but it still wont boot from cd. The cd spins up and all but the os just loads right away, I mean I dont even see a post screen.
PXE-E61 -Media test failure - Check cable. PXE-M0F - Exiting RXE Rom... well this sounds like it's trying to boot from the network; however, no network cable is found or nothing to boot from.

Update: oops didn't read that second part. about the boot order lol.
this happened to my brothers... btw compaw support didnt know whats going on.. so dont even try them...

i think i ended up reformatting and reinstalling windows. which fixed it.
Sounds to me like your harddrive is dead or dying and/or windows is corrupted so it is trying to boot from that last known good device. I would do a destructive reinstall and see if that rememdies the problem. Also go into the BIOS and make sure that you have the boot order changed there permanently to boot from HDD first then, LAN then CDROM. If this does not work, see if you can get your hands on a small HDD to try and swap and test.