Comcast Upgrade Coming this weekend


Jun 6, 2003
Being a tech employee of a rather large corporation, I am oftimes amazed at what bonehead moves supposedly high-tech companies pull with their customers. Case in point, I received an email about comcast doing an upgrade this weekend. Down the left hand side of the HTML email was a long black bar with a hyperlink affixed to the test line "To verify Comcast sent this message, click here"
the moral here
You can give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to phish and you'll ruin his credit for life
Even though they screwed the pooch by NOT attaching the url to the text (me points and snickers) this practice of encouraging people to click links in email is teaching people the exact opposite of what they should be doing.

Anywhoo, the tech in the chat said that this upgrade - referred to as "bedrock" - is in preparation for boosting speeds for the normal household accounts to 384K/4M (no price increase) I replied back an approving affirmation of relatively mediocre excitement, and then she dropped the bomb, for an additional $10.00 per month you can crank that baby to 768k/5M. I then whipped out a "w00t" and asked if she could process my order there on the spot. Alas my solicitation was denied. She said call 1-888-COMCAST for sales information.

I called the number and talked to "Nick" - think of the bartender "Nick" from It's a Wonderful Life - he sounded just like that (I half way expected him to say "And that's another thing, where do you get off calling me Nick?"). He confirmed that there was to be an upgrade and speed was to be increased but he had no hard dates( 1st qtr - 2nd qtr was all he would say) And I could not put in an auto-order to immediately bump me when it came available. So I'll just keep checking my 'bonehead' emails more closely.
Did they say anything about what the Pro service might get upgraded to?
Thats great.... I really wish all cable internet companies would follow Comcast's example of how to provide for customers. Here in our area, base cable is (*drum roll and prepare floor for rofling*) 128/128 ($40/mo), with the upgraded cable being 512/128($ However, my dad called and complained, and now we're on 1024/128 for $30/mo. Enjoy your great intarweb, and encourage comcast to expand into rural west Texas.
Man, that's too bad...

I got my cable here from Rogers and I am getting 768kbit up / 5mbit down. All I had to do to get that instead of the usual 384k up / 3mbit down was buy the $100 Motorola modem. Full rate is $51 with tax or so (It has been $32 for the first 6 months). I'm happy with it. I've uploaded files at around 100kb/s which is pretty impressive for a home use internet conneciton I think. :)
Timdog said:
Did they say anything about what the Pro service might get upgraded to?
As I'm just a 256/3M customer, I did not ask about the pro service.

On another note Timdog, have you tried bumping your 2800+ system's FSB to 200?(Multi of 11) With my corsair memory I had to loosen the timing to 2-3-3-6 but I got better benchmarks due to the increased bandwidth.
heh I've only seen commericials about comcast's 4mb down, but so far no word if they are making that the new standard and making 5mb the upgrade, I thought that 4mb was the upgrade you pay extra for, guess we will have to wait and see.
The 'pro' service automatically goes to the higher rate of 768/5 while the regular home users go to the 384/4 service, at least according to the flyer that Comcast sent in the mail a little while ago. Much like many DSL providers out there the primary difference between 'home' and 'pro' is becoming the upload speed, not necessarily the download.
RagingSamster said:
As I'm just a 256/3M customer, I did not ask about the pro service.

On another note Timdog, have you tried bumping your 2800+ system's FSB to 200?(Multi of 11) With my corsair memory I had to loosen the timing to 2-3-3-6 but I got better benchmarks due to the increased bandwidth.
I've been slowly bumping up the speed on the 2800+ to make sure that I get a really stable overclock. ;) My 2800+ is locked though. :(
The "pro" service as you have called it will be getting upgraded to 6Mbits not 5. standard home will see an increase to 4Mbps/384Kbps.
Yup that was fleshed out later in the 21 pages of replies 6M/768 for $51 a month ain't too bad
They already upgraded mine in late december / early January.

Found out after a friend downloaded something off my server and was like "OMGWTFBBQZ!!!1 65KB/sec!!!1"
FWIW, I'm in between DC and Baltimore and to my surprise it was already upgraded as well.

Just did a speed test and got 3643K down, 353K up. When you factor in overhead and whatnot, that's 4Mbps/384Kbps.