Colored [H] links for all!


Mar 13, 2001
That's right. I spent part of today coding an app that will automatically display your [H] colored images based on how much you've folded! It updates its statistics nightly. To see yours, or even use it in an image tag, just use the following URL as an image...

Replace xENo with your username exactly as it is in f@h. if you have a space in it, replace it with %20.

[h]|forums dosnet allow inserting of dynamic images
yeah I noticed... lol all those hours wasted... :)

Maybe we could talk kyle into a field similiar to "location" which would put our symbol under our location when we post...

uh, um.

Could you "fool" the forums, by say... uh. how bout this:

When ever the nightly job runs to grab the files or whatever it does, have it create a .jpg image per user in so the link would be something like this:

It would eat a ton of CPU/disk space, but if your folding I pressume you have a enough to spare :)
You can add a .gif to your username in the URL, but vbul must still see the ?

I'll do some more work on it. :p
test with .gif on the end:


nope. :( This forum is a smart one, can't fool it for nothing. hehe :)

anyways, it's a great idea though.

Maybe just have them (the user) click on the link once to "sign up" which would put their name in a list of .gif files that it would generate every night (so you don't have to create .gif for unactive folders, or as I like to call them; traitors :D but would only generate files for the people that "sign up" (I'm betting this would be under a 1000, which would be easy to churg out gifs for ))
it never did work in sigs

it was supposed to go in the post at the end of your normal posting stuff


nice work...nice work
n/p... too bad we can't get it profile linked or something with a simple vbul mod. :(
Allowing these in sigs would be a great way to increase the visibility of the folding team on the forum, but I doubt that exception would be made. :(
Cool. Nice job xENo.

We need higher point markers than 500,000 (never thought I'd see the day). Anyone want to design up to 5,000,000? That should keep us going for a few more years...

How often are the graphics updated?

Seeing as the graphics aren't quite current, close though. :D

The one on the bottom is your .gif for me. (85k)
The one just above is my manually typing 90k.

Just curious, nice job thanks.

Fold On!

It updates every morning at 5am.

EDIT: I guess it would help if I linked to the correct data file instead of my testing data file... *reloads it now* :p
Kyle if you’re out there hear your folding teams pleads. hook us up and let us show OUR TEAM PRIDE.

Maybe we can spark some more interest in folding and regain numeral UNO with the help of a simple graphic.

Thanks for listening,

I just wish my graphic was a little better. Damnit, must find more ways to make more money to build more boxen. And a way to pay the larger electric bill.

xENo said:
That's right. I spent part of today coding an app that will automatically display your [H] colored images based on how much you've folded! It updates its statistics nightly. To see yours, or even use it in an image tag, just use the following URL as an image...

Replace xENo with your username exactly as it is in f@h. if you have a space in it, replace it with %20.


Hello from orlando!
Testing, Testing.

Need more [H]'s for the [H]igher levels.

Luck........ :D
Testing ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...


Hmmm, that's strange ... I have used img tags and the it displays only a link ... but click
on the link and it displays the image. :p

This may have already been asked but do the colors represent differrent amounts or is it just the number of [H]? each [H] is worth 5k pts right?
BSMaier said:

This may have already been asked but do the colors represent differrent amounts or is it just the number of [H]? each [H] is worth 5k pts right?
Check out this thread.