College Laptop, ABS, DIY Uniwill, or Asus

Apr 7, 2005
Ok, first off, i wont be purchasing a system until about the end of July/Begining of august, so, i have some time. I am having a hard time choosing between three laptops, an ABS Mayhem G3 Eclipse GT, a DIY Uniwill, or an Asus W7J, which should be out by the time i can buy this. My criteria for my laptop is 15.4" Widescreen, or less, 256mb of Dedicated ram, with a x1xxx core, a 6xxx core, or 7xxx core, and either a Pentium M or Core Duo processor. If you have any other suggestions, or comments on these three, feel free to post them. And my price range is 15-1800 (give or take a bit, depending on what i have saved by then.. so an order in which i should buy, the better.) Oh, and I am leaning towards the Asus W7J, due to its small screen sice, and dedicated graphics (a 13.3" with something other than Intel for graphics)
it depends on what your needs are, I probably wouldn't go with the uniwill as I have never even heard of them before, but that doesn't mean anything. the abs looks to be the more powerful one because of the gfx, however, maybe I'm bias because I just got the w2j, but I would def. go with the asus if you don't require an all out notebook. it has the best build quality out of all three and it looks the sleekiest as well. but like I said, it all depends on what you need it for.
this doesnt REALLY matter.. but could help

What are you majoring in?
if you want to game the ABS with the x1600 will be lightyears faster than eigther of the other ones
I will be majoring in Computer science, at least getting my masters. I would kind of like to game a bit, but im not sure if i want the smaller screen, or the better gaming ability more.. hard choice to make. and isnt that asus what the ABS technically is.. or is the ABS an MSI?

EDIT: Or do i really need a laptop.. I could drop that same chunk of change into a fairly decent desktop when conroe releases.. and buy a laptop later on.. Scratch that.. my handwriting sucks, i need something else to take notes on.
Check out the Asus w3j.

it has a 14.1 inch 1200 by 768 resolution screen with an X1600 GPU with 256 megs of dedicated RAM

"My criteria for my laptop is 15.4" Widescreen, or less, 256mb of Dedicated ram"
I'm reading this as the largest screen you want is 15.4"

a Dual core Pentium M

1 Gig of DDR2 RAM

if you want one of the thinest and lightest that can still game and are willing to give up a bit of screen realestate for more portability
That W3J is perfect.. now.. i just need to find one.

Oh.. and the A6J is NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300, not 7600.. (Just checked the newegg site. :) )
What I meant was that there is also a model here in Europe with 7600 GO, 256MB (upto 512)
and it only costs like 100€ more than the 7300GO model and I can't find the link to the 7600GO model in US. I know that the newegg model is 7300GO
yes provided you have a bios update as well. the socket will be the same. but you will not likely to see merom for a while.
Did you order the w3j.

Likewise, thanks for your input everyone. I bought a MSI 1058 with a Turion x2, and I'll post a review shortly.