College Football on the PC ??


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 6, 2003
I'm looking for a good college football game for the PC to give to my little bro as a gift. Are any of the college football franchise even on the PC? I looked at EA Sports' site, and their game is only on the consoles.

Anyone have any other recommendations?
Nope, not enough support for it. They used to have it, but it stopped 3 or 4 years ago. Only option is madden now.
It's a pity, really. The latest version of NCAA Football from EA looks like a lot of fun - too bad it's console-only.
in the same vein, what about basketball?

I'd love to play out the rest of season with my beloved MSU Bulldogs...
Madden 2004 is also the last football game by EA for the PC.

However, there is a 'mod' of sorts that changes it to college football, its not to the exact degree as NCAA Football for the consoles, but is fun non-the-less.

I will try to find some linkage for yah.
Originally posted by mxpxrulzz

plz dont tell me they are discontinuing the nhl series

My bad, I originally stated that Madden will no longer be on the PC, I was wrong....kind of.

While NCAA Football will no longer be on the PC, Madden, is still being looked at to determine if it is economicaly viable to continue the series on the PC. Which to me says buh-bye.

I have not heard a peep about the NHL series.

About the mod for Madden 2004. You can read up on it here.....
Like I said though, it is not fully NCAA, but it IS the nearest thing to it on the PC.
Agh...I really hope Madden is not discontinued. I have read some threads about people not liking Madden 2004 but I personally think that it is pretty good. I got it for $15 and play it every now and then. I like how you can adjust everything, create players and teams, and control everything that happens during the game. The graphics for PC games are better than console games IMO. Sports games are fun and entertaining. They would be stupid to discontinue them.