collaborative real-time editing of outage log?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 13, 2004
What do you guys use at work to track the work that's being done to remediate an unplanned outage?

During complex issues multiple teams are involved (i.e. AD admins, security, storage, networking, etc. etc.). There has to be a better way than an Excel spreadsheet where anyone can add an entry without running into locking issues.

Who did made what change when. Was the change recommended by vendor support, if so who exactly made that recommendation. Was the change reverted when it didn't fix the issue? What things have been tried when with what outcome, etc. etc. etc.

It's basically some sort of incident command solution, but when I ask The Google about it I end up with all the non-IT disaster management stuff that just isn't relevant.
If you want something cloud based, look at smartsheet.

If you want something more well rounded, get a CRM like Connectwise
Due to compliance reasons we need to have an on-premise solution. Preferably something simple that doesn't take a week to deploy and/or weeks of training to use.

Maybe I am in the wrong business, seems like there is a need for such a product.
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