COD4 or C&C3?


Jul 2, 2004
what the thread title says. I have played both demos. I like FPS's and RTS's which one will give me more gameplay? I don't play much multiplayer.
I have both games and I've been playing them both quite a bit recently. COD4 has given me more playtime. The single player and arcade modes are great and the multiplayer is outstanding. I'd vote for that.

C&C3 is a good choice as well. Truthfully you can't go wrong with either.
I like COD4 much more and I really like RTS games. However, COD4's single player is only ~6 hours so C&C3 would give you more offline playtime.
I would say COD4 is the better game, but if you don't play multiplayer and you're looking for value I would go with C&C3. The reason being that COD4's campaign is short, as in 7 hours max 5 hours if you rush short. It's a fantastic 5 hours that you really should experience but if you're looking for sheer playtime it's just not the game for you. It's also worth noting that C&C3 is only $30 right now while COD4 is still $50. If you have a console, I'd recommend renting COD4 on that to save yourself the money.
yeah, ill wait till Cod4 comes down in price and then get it on steam...
C&C3. CoD4 single player is criminally short. IMHO CoD4 MP isn't anything special.
Tough Choice - Single Player , Lan Play With Friends ... C&C 3

Multiplayer COD 4 , Although the SP is short it was a good game also
That's a short single player mission. I would be pissed since I don't play online.

It has some replay value though. I've been back through the game a few times. There is also an arcade mode as well. Plus you can select any mission you like after you've gone through the game and play it through again. The game is cool enough to play through a few times.

Still the game is pretty short.
Both. Each game is pretty much at the top of its class. C&C3 has a much more extensive single-player mode though, and you can do skirmishes with the AI (CoD4 doesn't have bots), so if you'll be playing single-player primarily then C&C3 is probably the better choice.
If you want SP, definitely go for C&C3. Its campaign is pretty good with C&C's signature corny FMVs, and it takes a good amount of time work through it. COD4's SP is pretty lacking, its short and pretty boring minus a couple of missions.
If you want SP, definitely go for C&C3. Its campaign is pretty good with C&C's signature corny FMVs, and it takes a good amount of time work through it. COD4's SP is pretty lacking, its short and pretty boring minus a couple of missions.

COD4's single player is short but I'd hardly call it boring.
Single player: C&C3

Multiplayer: anything BUT C&C3. Thankfully I got to try it on someone else's PC before I could buy it, because the MP in that game is horrid compared to every other modern RTS.
Both are solid games, both have good singleplay and multiplayer, I think your preference in genre would probably be the best deciding factor.