clipboard enhancement programs:need help finding one that does [i]this[/i].........


Extremely [H]
Jan 2, 2001
first post in this forum, I hope you all can help. Some time ago (1-2 yrs) I used a clipboard "enhancement" program that I really liked and would like to use again. Unfortunetly in the process of migrating over to XP I lost it, and sort of forgot about it. I even forgot the name, which of course makes it much worse. I have literally spent hours googling, problem is there are lots of these types of programs, I need help narrowing it down a little. What I used before was very simple and effecient, not a lot of bells and whisles. I think it only worked with text. Short explination of how it worked: instead of one clipboard the program gave you multiple ones, that after pasting what text you wanted into them they would be saved even after restart. The program also intagrated into the shell somewhat so that whenever you right clicked for the "paste" instead of just paste what's in the clipboard, the paste would open up another menu of your clipboard items, so that you could choose which one to paste. Sure made filling out repetive stuff alot easier. I have a pic below to give you the idea. Sorry my ms paint skills suck.

so far all the programs i have tried have it where you must open that program and cut and paste from the programs window of different clipboards, adding extra steps to the process. Imagine right clicking in and program, going to "paste" and have it open up to 10 - 15 different stock texts that you use often, and then clicking to paste that. It was cool, and I miss it. help me find it:(
