Cleaning your mouse pad

lol...I would imagine you clean it normaly like everythign else.... you could use windex or even better.. use rubbing alcohol, it gets most of the crap off of everything and is pretty much non conductive just dont go putting it on any circuit boards =]
Sandblast or acid bath!

Yeah, but no Savidge is right, you can even use water if you don´t like chemicals or are afraid it will damage the coating.
water doesn't clean anything. I guess I will just use some windex and a cloth. I have done this before but was wondering if anyone had stumbled onto something better.
I use 90% rubbing alcohol on a lint free cloth and just wipe towards the outside of the pad. It works fine every time.
lol...I would imagine you clean it normaly like everythign else.... you could use windex or even better.. use rubbing alcohol, it gets most of the crap off of everything and is pretty much non conductive just dont go putting it on any circuit boards =]

Actually isopropyl alcohol is great for cleaning PCBs, just let it dry completely before you plug it back in.

As for the mouse pad, first I would just try water with a lint free cloth, and don't scrub too hard. If that doesn't work, read this: . People have said they've done the same thing with their QcK and it's turned out just fine, though the logo might wash off.
I throw mine in the dishwasher, Been doing this for over 10 years, Still have the same mouspad <3 ratpadz
i have heard of the dishwasher working for many people but I am worried the glue will loosen and the material will start to peel away from the rubber backing.
Throw it the washing machine with a few towels. If the pad comes out bad, buy another. They're only $10 - $15 bucks.
I usually try Mr. Clean magic Erasers for cleaning rubber/slick materials/walls etc. wouldn't hurt to try on one of these* mouse pads I don't think?
Wrap it in a pillow case so it doesn't fray and throw it in the washer. That is how I cleaned my X Trac pad.
Wash it with water and dish soap then scrub using a brush. This works! I also had the same mousepad before and this was how I cleaned it.
i use Endust for electronics on my old launch ratpad gs... i wore it smooth in a few spots... i need to buy an xt...
for a hard pad I always just stick it in between the plates in the dish washer. For a soft pad I am not sure yet as I am on my 1st soft pad since the 80's & haven't had to wash it yet.
Lmao, I can't believe there's maintenance advice for $3 mouse pads. Anyways, for my normal sized black mouse pad I usually get at Fry's E., if I can't get it clean with a lint roller, I trash it and buy a new one.