Civilization IV


Fully [H]
Jan 20, 2002
so i dont see much talk about it here in the games forum, who here plays Civ 4? i just started playing it and i think it kicks ass, alot better than Civ3 and the new gfx are just right,the new tile improvements are really cool, and i like how airplanes can destroy tile improvements, and the ICBMS can hot anywhere on the map

so who here is a hardcore Civ 4 player and likes to build civilizations to stand the test of time! :)
Not hardcore, but it is definately the best game out for PC right now. That and the Movies has been eating up my PC gaming time lately, that's for sure. The game kicks ass, and more people should play these kinds of games instead of pointless shooters all the time.
As soon as I'm done with the Neverwinter diamond edition I'll play Civ4. I need something to fill the gap till morrowind 4 comes out. As far as FPS are concerned I'm not a huge fan.
I havent played anything else.

In the past month, that is.
ever since i got it i have been playing game after game

every time i finish one i think to myself i probably wont be able to get into another 6 hour plus game yet i find my self starting an empire every time i take that first settler and build a city...

basically all my free time is dedicated to civ 4 (time between college, work and girlfriend)
PCJ said:
I havent played anything else.

In the past month, that is.

Me too. CoD2, FEAR, Dragon Quest VIII, Burnout, Shadow of the Colossus are all sitting in thier packaging still. Civ IV is my favorite game. Almost ever.
I'm usually a big FPS fan but Civ 4 is a better game than any recent FPS (or any other game for that matter) as far as I'm concerned. Definitely better than F.E.A.R., and I'd probably have to go back to HL2 or WoW for anything that was as comparably captivating.
I bought Civ 4 and AoE 3, and was disappointed in both of them. Civ 4, I can't put my finger on it, but it just didn't do anything for me, and I've played the hell out of Civ 2 and 3.

AoE 3 is pretty meh too.

I've been playing CoD 2 and Far Cry a well as *trying* to understand Hearts of Iron 2. Still playing a lot of Rise of Nations as well.
Civ 4 has been eating up way too much of my free time the last few weeks.
Other than a few little technical troubles this is the perfect successor to the Civ franchise.
Anybody have little strategies they like to use in Civ 4? I'm just kinda winding through it short-sightedly, just upgrading whatever looks most useful in the short-run. Only long-run ploy I do is to send settlers abroad real early to capture neutral space before I have to start fighting for territory. I've never played the previous Civs so I'm a little clueless. I had built railroads through every little improvement in my country till I realized I only needed to build them through the resources.
Best version of Civ yet.

Been playing since Civ 1, in fact it was one of the packaged games with my first CD-Rom(single speed, that is how long ago) for a computer. The sales rep was telling me how great the game was and how customers would come back and tell them how addicting it was. I rolled my eyes 'whatever,' I was a SimCity fanatic at that time.

Never really got into SimCity again after playing Civ.
kelbear said:
Anybody have little strategies they like to use in Civ 4? I'm just kinda winding through it short-sightedly, just upgrading whatever looks most useful in the short-run. Only long-run ploy I do is to send settlers abroad real early to capture neutral space before I have to start fighting for territory. I've never played the previous Civs so I'm a little clueless. I had built railroads through every little improvement in my country till I realized I only needed to build them through the resources.

Civ Fanatics is the place for the interested player. I love this site, but those guys are real dorks with real answers. But, as an experianced Civ guy, I can tell you two things about Civ4: don't try to rush building an assload of cities, shoot for about 10 on a standard map, placed far enough so thier fat cross doesn't overlap (that's a city with the second stage of culture). Pick a tech and stick with it. What do you need to win with your leader or your style of play?

Also, (I lied) I don't micromanage my workers or city governors anymore. I choose what a city will build, of course, but I set them to production and great leader emphasis and it seems to work pretty good. The workers' automate and units' explore are much smarter now, although if I'm playing continents, I'll manually explore the coasts before turning it over to the AI. God, I love this game.

But Civ3 was my *favorite* game ever. Civ4 is very complex, in fact, I get pissed sometimes when I want a simple game, which Civ4 is not at all. Definately a keeper, though. And it pushes hardware nicely in the late game.