Cisco router for home?


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
I am looking to build a home network from scratch - mostly Linux machines used as desktops and one Windows machine to play some games that dont support linux.

I am running a smoothwall firewall from a cable modem. Can someone recommend a cisco router that I can use behind my smoothwall firewall?

Thanks for any recommendations.
If you really want a Cisco, then most people here (myself included) use the 2514 as it has two ethernet (AUI) ports and can be bought fairly cheap on ebay.

The rest of the 2500 series only have one ethernet, but you could chain two of them together if your looking for practive with WAN topologies.
everything that has a cisco router attached to this requires a CSU/DSU - is this going to be something I need with my cable modem?

I did a search and seems to be something needed with a T-1 or T-3 line.

I am doing this at home

Cable Modem ------ Smoothwall ----- Cisco 2514 ---- Linksys Switch ---- LAN PC's
basicly what you will do is just use the two ethernet interaces, and do the routing between them.
Is there a URL that will help me set up my cisco router at home for basic internet conectivity?

I dont need IGRP or E-IGRP set up wizards or anything, just basic TCP/IP set up with my basic cable modem and to my 24 port switch.
The rest of the 2500 series only have one ethernet, but you could chain two of them together if your looking for practive with WAN topologies.


Mine has 16 Eth ports. I forget the precise model, but it is a 2500
jpopa said:

Mine has 16 Eth ports. I forget the precise model, but it is a 2500

Sorry that I didn't include the cisco routers with built in hubs. Hubs are not routable and most of those models only have serial ports for WAN topologies... something not consistant with routing a cable modem... unless for some reason you have a CSU/DSU cable modem.

BTW, that would be a 2507 that has a 16 port 10Base hub.
yeah :) i love it... unfortunately you are correct about it only having serials, but that's ok because im using a converter to go from eth - serial
Guys - I am worried about this now - I will try to explain my issue the best I can. Please, any info will be great.

I use cable internet w/ a standard dynamic IP.

The dynamic ip is routed to my cable modem then it is ported down to my Linksys WRT54G router.

The firmware allows me to use for dynamic ip addressing.

This is basically attaching a user name and password for an account I create with that no matter what my ip address changes user [email protected] will always resolve to my dynamic ip = this leaves me to never need a static ip.

If I replace my my Linksys router that the firmware allows dyndns accounts.

How will this work now that I am using a Cisco 2514 series router? How will I be able to dyndns?
I had dynamic with comcast. i am now static with speakeasy dsl. you just need a newer IOS verson to use dhcp.
I have a 2514 router which has all the right hardware to run the newest IOS's. I just need to find the right IOS. My goal is to connect my cable modem to my router through the ethernet interfaces.(2 AUI ports)
I need the IOS to run DHCP and also be able to point to a DNS server.
If somebody can post a config or how to set this up.
version 12.2
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
service tcp-small-servers
hostname DURT
enable secret 5 $1$nzGO$****************
enable password *******
ip subnet-zero
no ip domain-lookup
ip name-server
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool insideDHCP
interface Ethernet0
description OPTONLINE --->
ip address dhcp
ip nat outside
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
interface Ethernet1
description DELL SWITCH
ip address
ip nat inside
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
interface Serial0
no ip address
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
interface Serial1
no ip address
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
ip nat inside source list 1 interface Ethernet0 overload
ip classless
ip route Ethernet0
no ip http server
access-list 1 permit
access-list 101 permit udp any any eq domain
line con 0
carloswill said:
If I replace my my Linksys router that the firmware allows dyndns accounts.

How will this work now that I am using a Cisco 2514 series router? How will I be able to dyndns?

Right on their website, you can choose from many different dynamic dns clients...they just posted a brand new one a month or so ago I've used several different times. Pretty much the same type of setup as the routers firmware.
Correct me if im wrong, wouldnt you want the firewall behind the router?

Why would you want to put a cisco router in your network? Just for fun? If so, then go for it. But if you want, you can pick up a Cisco IOS book from orielly or something. has awesome white papers and docs that will help you get started. They are very detailed and will basically explain everything you ever wanted to know about TCP/IP and routing protocols.
Download the Latest IOS from (you'll need to setup a login)

I would of picked up a PIX 501.No need for a smoothwall firewall then.

Edit: Yes firewall behind router. Unless your using your firewall as a router, then no need for the router. Thats why I suggested the PIX 501, does everything you need.
12.2 is sufficient for DHCP on the WAN side, so you're good to go there. Aside from that, I'll try to remember to post my running config when I get home tonight.