Cisco 2611XM Help!


Limp Gawd
Aug 26, 2003
Heres the scenario:

I attempted to log into our Router's SDM (secure device manager) using the usual administrator password with level 15 access but for some reason it wont take the password anymore. I also had myself setup to log into the SDM under level 15 access and have done so in the past but today it was not working. I dont have much cisco experience other than 3 semesters of the CCNA class and i dont remember how to get into the cisco router to do the following. Reset users and passwords for the SDM as well as find out what version of SDM i have and then to upgrade to the latest release. I was looking on cisco's website and found that version 1.0 of SDM doesnt allow for IOS upgrade through the SDM but version 1.0.1 does. I have a disc to upgrade to IOS 12.3T w/ Advanced Security and i would like to do it through the SDM so i can lower the risk of messing it up.


1. Cant log into SDM using previous usernames/passwords
2. Need to check SDM version and be able to upgrade it to the latest version
3. A how-to for the aforementioned because ive search all over and cannot find a solid tutorial/answer.

Thanks in advance.

Heh. If you have enable; save your configuration, then clear it and reconfigure.

I'm assuming SDM is the gui web crap... You can just re-configure the router without all the web crap, then do it manually. Or do a "sho conf", go into global configuration mode and run a "no <x> <y>" on all the SDM configuration info and then reconfigure.