Cisco 1900 router - IIS traffic gets denied over point to point tunnel


Apr 15, 2014
Installed two Cisco 1911's at my office locations. My main location (Site A) had an ASA 5505 and my remote location (Site B) had an 1811 router. Site B accesses applications hosted on Site A servers over a point to point ip sec tunnel. All applications are accessible and successfully ping. However one of our applications will not load certain parts of the application - everything that fails is IIS related. Other parts of the application are fine, also on the same server. I have checked ACLS and nat rules - please someone anyone have suggestions of what to look for that I might have missed? thank you!!!
Can you post config from each?

You say it doesn't work in the application - does anything else run on IIS - can you hit it from Site B through a browser ?
Is it accessing resources by name or by IP? possible DNS issues if it's web related.
You brought up a good point that I haven't tried - accessing IIS resources from another server (which is on the native Vlan and the one in question isn't)...would help me determine if its that one server/Vlan/or maybe the port being blocked. I shall try this in the morning and post configs.

The things being rejected are reports, templates and no I cannot access from a web browser. Accessing by IP.

Thank you so much for responding!!
Since ASA's (and firewalls) are closed by default and routers are open....assuming a fairly basic IPSEC tunnel, I'd say the problem is most likely on the ASA side. You could see if Packet tracer would help.