Cisco 1700 reset

Dec 11, 2001
Hey everyone,

I have got a Cisco 1721 router to work on. Great part is i have no passwords or anything but a few out of date configs. Easiest way of getting everything working is to clean the thing and start again, probably with SDM since I need things up quickly. I have hacked in and reset most of the passwords now.

Anyway, I have got SDM working via the PC. but how can i access it via the router to reset it to defaults. Or Can someone tell me how to reset it?

It has a VLAN assigned to it.
If i got to the IP of the VLAN i get a configuration page, but cant seem to find any way to do a reset.

issue 'write erase' from privileged mode of the CLI to erase the startup configuration. reload the router and it will be at factory defaults.

this will erase all configurations, so you need to reconfigure your interfaces, HTTP service, and AAA/local user database before you can access the SDM again.

i think there's a way to do this via SDM, but I don't use that crap :p