Circuit city advanatage is a scam

Well what a surprise I still haven't gotten a call back This such a waste of time but I know they want me to just give up but guess what I got a trick for there ass I'm not going to stop. :rolleyes:
How long had you owned the card before the first problem came up?

Reason being, I used to work for CC, and the extended warranty only kicks in after the manufacturer's runs out. edit* (this may have changed in the years since I left)

Example: ATI 9800 (1yr parts labor mfg)
CC extended warranty 2 yrs replacement (only takes effect after mfg's warranty
is over)

the only thing they used to cover was brownouts and surges for the full term, meaning covering mfg, and extended.

Goto a local store get a manager involved, have them call regional mgr, anyone with some pull. Getting heated with the instore people never helps, only makes them wish you would go away without a resolution (ive seen this first hand) be polite, and ask for some help. (yeah you paid money for it, and want it corrected.) but all they have to do is keep running you in circles if they choose. Take a reciept with you and the product (all items included with the package, if anything is missing they can flat turn you down also)

I worked for CC for 5 years untill they changed the pay plan, sold all my stocks and left. Used to be a great company until, they started hiring punks fresh out of college without any experience in electronics retail. in the golden days my stocks were $98.00 share, when i cashed in $21.00 so that should tell you something.
I have been inside a CC before, and it didn’t look like a reputable computer hardware dealer to me. They had a very small area set aside for it, and the parts were pathetic.
truffle00 said:
If BB is like CC, then no, employees get nothing from selling the warrantys. As an employee, you're expected to ring up $x in transactions and based on that, sell y% of warrantys. Maybe you'll make employee of the month and get your picture on the wall if you sell enough, but other than that, it all goes to corporate.

Used to not be this way at CC, percentage was the bomb on all warranties sold. Sell a $1000.00 machine with a $469.00 warranty was easy money if you presented it right, easily made couple of hundred everyday. Was nice bring home $4000.00+ per month home from CC back in the good ole days.

BTW dont forget your monster power accessories :) we had a $100.00 kit that was a major rip off, the company only had close to $15.00 in per kit. Was an MD2000 also all kinds of good info from that.
Frank DC said:
That sums it up nicely. Extra retailer warranties are a scam 90% of the time.

I've got my "yeah, right" look down to a science, to the point where checkout clerks at these places don't even ask.

I wasn't talking about the warranty secrets, its all there in writting. I was talking about the dirty secrets in business and how they treat people. There is no secret about the warranty, its all in writting.
martinmsj said:
I wasn't talking about the warranty secrets, its all there in writting. I was talking about the dirty secrets in business and how they treat people. There is no secret about the warranty, its all in writting.
Huh? I wasn't talking about "warranty secrets" either. Whatever those are.
I used to work at Circuit City. Everything about it is a scam. The worst are the installation packages for computer software, it's just free money for them.
I work at Circuit City myself and if you are having problems like that I suggest going into a Circuit City store and try to find the Tech Manager or the Store Director. The people on City Advantage's phone are a bunch of dumbasses. Thing is if they can't find a replacement for a video card they are supposed to give you a gift card of what you payed for the video card. Seriously just go to a store and talk to the managers...
Ominous Gamer said:
Then BB isn't like CC. Cause employees at BB and OD both get kick backs from PPPs.

This is incorrect i work at CC part time and i sell more service plans than you could ever think and i dont see a dime!

I would agree though that most of the PC installs are a ripoff and most service plans are a waste also.
advanced101101 said:
This is incorrect i work at CC part time and i sell more service plans than you could ever think and i dont see a dime!

I would agree though that most of the PC installs are a ripoff and most service plans are a waste also.

Reading > you

I just said that BestBuy isn't like CircuitCity. This is due to BestBuy along with Office Depot (I worked there), both provide kick backs to employees who sell PPPs.

I worked at MicroCenter for a short while, only thing worth the 'extended warranty' (or whatever they called it) was the laptops, since the screens are fragile and spendy to replace. I hardly ever buy retail like many folks here and would never spend extra for their so called warranties.
so is a 2 yr warranty from CC for a pocket pc a scam? i hope not...

they claimed that they would replace it even if the screen gets scratched

kinda off topic but im curious to see if any1 else has a pocket pc warranty @ CC
Render said:
so is a 2 yr warranty from CC for a pocket pc a scam? i hope not...

they claimed that they would replace it even if the screen gets scratched

kinda off topic but im curious to see if any1 else has a pocket pc warranty @ CC

they lied to you, scratches are considered physical damage ive went thro this issue before with a customer, it is not covered by the CSP (service plan) coverage. You might be able to purchase the insurance version of the plan that covers physical damage, it depends what market your store is in.
Just. F.Y.I I've been working at C.C for the past 7 months.

so is a 2 yr warranty from CC for a pocket pc a scam? i hope not...

they claimed that they would replace it even if the screen gets scratched

This is a lie. It will cover the screen only if the screen is actually damaged, not if it is comestically damanged. The plan NEVER covers cosemtic damage.

To be honest, the C.C plan is worth it unless you know computers inside and out. And, honestly, alot of the people that DO work at circuit city, don't know WHAT the hell they're talking about. Most of my co-workers know nothing about computers, and it's frustrating. Not all Circuit City stores are created equal, we have two stores in my area one in Allentown and the one I work at. Many people come to our store because they hate the service at the Allentown C.C. Just because you have a bad experience at one C.C don't let it throw you off. Some stores, just plain suck, while others are actually good.

As for the protection plan, if you have any questions, get someone who know what the hell they're talking about, if you don't feel comfortable with the sales rep. you're talking about, ask for a second opinion. I recomend the protection plan to everyone, and have it on my laptop right now.

For the graphics card you bought, you should have been able to go to the store and tell customer service that you bought the card, have the C.S Protection Plan and that it stopped working. They should bring someone from the technoloy center over to make sure it's the right graphics card (we had someone put at gforce 2 inside of an ati 800pro and return it before) and they should just exchange it on the spot. We do this quite often at my store. The key is to be patient and level headed. I have also seen my managers screw people over because they were yelling and screaming. But, the majority of the time for technology atleast we'll exchage it on the spot. If you went back to the store, and they told you to call the manufature, then, get a manager. If they don't do anything, then, well, that store sucks, and you shouldn't shop there anymore. Like I said, not all C.C's are equal.

If anyone has a question about the protection plan, feel free to ask me. I believe it's totally worth it as long as the store is decent and you know the people there will take care of you. Obviously, if there's something shady and you think they're lying, ask them about it and question them. Anyone who knows what they're talking about should be able to anwser all your questions, and if they don't, well, don't trust them.

You have to be able to sell on trust, not lies. But, unfournatly, some people don't think this way.

As for the installs. It is all pure profit to us. It's a labor cost, just like a mecanic. You're paying us to do it professionally. Now, anyone who knows computers could do it themselves, but, unless you know computes inside and out you're most likely going to screw something up and then it's on your end to fix it.

We sell to the people who don't know about computers 99% of the time, and for them, it's all worth it.
My biggest complaint with CC is with their incredibly bad stock selection. I once went in to buy a basic UDMA hard drive cable -- should be $5 tops -- and was told by a sales clerk, "I'm sorry, we don't carry them. But here's one with lights, oh and here's another that glows in the dark, and look here's another one that takes your freakin shoes off and rubs your feet.

Oh and BTW they start at $30."

I turned around and walked out. Then I drove two blocks to a local computer store and bought a basic 30" UDMA cable for $3.75.
Frank DC said:
My biggest complaint with CC is with their incredibly bad stock selection. I once went in to buy a basic UDMA hard drive cable -- should be $5 tops -- and was told by a sales clerk, "I'm sorry, we don't carry them. But here's one with lights, oh and here's another that glows in the dark, and look here's another one that takes your freakin shoes off and rubs your feet.

Oh and BTW they start at $30."

I turned around and walked out. Then I drove two blocks to a local computer store and bought a basic 30" UDMA cable for $3.75.
Yeah Circuit City isn't really made for cables and the like. Like I said I work at Circuit City myself but the only plan I would buy is an Accidental Damage plan on a notebook.
yeah i used to work at Best Buy and honestly, the Service Plans they have are pretty cool. its just most things don't really need them. I don't think BB have them on video cards but on computers for sure. i worked in the comp department and the service plan is helpful. You guys have to remember, most customers you get are customers who know nothing about computers. The reason they get the service plan is to be safe. Covers all hardware problems. most people also get them because if there is a problem, they can drop off at a local BB and have it checked for free. 70 bucks for diagnostics is for someone who have no service plan. But of course, people like us, know so much so we don't bother, the only plan i would get is on laptops because they always have problems. and of course, if you "accidently" drop it or something, it is also covered.