Chrome doesn't resize properly

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
I have been able to resize Chrome properly until 2 days ago. I have Chrome at 1600x1200 on my 2560x1600 screen, and I only use Chrome on 1 web site (I use it to screen cap the daily Nasdaq chart). As of 2 days ago, it's not displaying the right edge by about 3 mm.

So needless to say, I use the corner arrow and drag it to the right. It's not working. As the rectangle get dragged longer, it's not displaying that little 3 mm edge.

I then uninstall and then re-install and same thing

I do an internet search, other have somewhat similar problem, but not the exact same problem

has any1 encounter this? And how do you fix it?