Christmas Hardware Upgrade question


Jul 8, 2001
So i got a bunch of money for christmas, not quite enough for a huge upgrade, but enough to make the transition into PCI-E, 64 bit and DDR2. My big concern is what processor to go with... i currently have a P4 2.8 dual core with 1 GB of ram and a radeon 9600 pro. The upgrade i am looking at is a AMD 64 3200+ Venice w. 1GB of DDR2 and a 6800 GS 256 MB video card. What im wondering is if this will be worth the money for the upgrade, ie is there much performance difference between the P4 2.8 and the 64 3200+? Am I going to have trouble finding drivers and such for Windows 64bit? Or should I just save my money and go with the AGP 6800GS?