Chlorine in the gene pool needed w/ these ppl...

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Limp Gawd
Nov 15, 2005
This is in an email I got from a friend, whose nephew is stationed in Iraq w/ the Patriot Guard Riders:

It was very special for us this weekend, in a very sad way, because my nephew's roommate was killed last week in Iraq. His funeral is this week and the protestors have posted notice in the newspaper that they will be there. These protestors come to the funerals of soldiers and hold up signs that say things like "your son was a faggot". (and not that it even matters but the dead soldier is ANYONE, of any gender, of any sexual orientation. the boy that died last week is straight). REALLY HORRIBLE. My brother is the captain of the area Patriot Guard Riders and they're going to be there to safeguard the family and friends from the protestors.

AFAIC these people need some HEAVY dosage of chlorine to make sure they DON'T spread their seeds any further. If you want to go protest the war, go to DC and picket the White House., but STAY THE F*CK away from the families of the brave men and women who have given their life, you c*cksuckers.

Incidentally if you miss it, here's the reason why I am so pissed. These are being handed out that the FRIGGIN FUNERAL!
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