Chimp Challenge team captain


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2008
Oct 12, 2004
As we all know by now, we have a new challenge tossed by MPC and so to get started, we need to appoint a captain for the [H]orde.

I have proposed myself to be the captain since I'm already doing things as a leader for the [H]orde (like polls, rewards and contests) and acting as the middleman between the [H] staff and the team. The tread is just to make sure everyone agree with the choice and if someone else think it's better to appoint a different one, there is a opportunity to speak.


There is a member of [H]ard named Monkey God. Maybe we can ask for his/her blessing too.

I'm just going bananas with the idea of you being the top chimp.

Thanks for stepping up to the plate.


I think there have been irregularities in this election.


aldamon, where's your smack talk ?

don't disappoint us !

How about even a chimp would have put the brackets around the H in your photochop instead of the C? :p :D :cool:

As much as I hated that blasted rally monkey, somehow it seems appropriate here...

Are you saying we're a bunch of monkeys? I'll have you know I'm an evolved monkey, thank-you-very-much.


Yeah, we are evolved chimps who can use tools to poke others and leave other teams in the dust !!!

/me jump on Charlie_D head and eat some flea.

Let's just keep the poo flinging to a minimum. They'll NEVER get the smell out of the carpet over at MPC. :D

I'm of the same opinion as many people, you make a great simian captain overloard :D
Lets just blitz them :p
