Chimp Challenge : Post-challenge thread


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2008
Oct 12, 2004
Now that the great challenge is done, let me write (or say, whatever :p) a speech :

First of all, I'm very proud to see the [H]orde managed to put a lot of weight in the challenge despite a excellent adversity and great smak talk from others. Even if we crossed the line in 2nd position, it's a great achievement considering it's our first year in the Chimp Challenge (it was a bit hot behind our ass but we did ;)). We all now know that experience helped MPC win the first position and they caught us with the pants down :p No matter how this ended, the challenge is also a great thing for science because all 4 teams increased their own ranks with new or returning folders and we all pushed very hard together toward a cure to kick diseases in the "box" :cool:

We all know that in the heat of the challenge, this brought some bad things in all teams and this is a unfortunate thing. We all get emotionnal and we get a bit clouded but I'm not here to point to anyone (or even me) and just say that we, as the [H]orde, are capable to overcome the dark cloud and march together toward a sunny day. Let's turn the page and concentrate on the positive and fun things to do that we suspended to make room for the challenge. I expect everyone to resume or start new challenges among each other and to entertain everyone with your legendary smack talk and power chair moving around with the cooler towed behind :D

In short, congratulations to MPC for winning the challenge and gain the coveted Jaded Monkey, congratulations to all teams for being a worthy challenger and for the great smack talk, congratulations to everyone involved for pushing the production farther for the science and finally, a big thank you to everyone who helped us with the challenge (about stats, about a great team spirit and for the advices).

Before I end, let us look at this thread again and remind why we DC !

Fold On !

Thanks Xil:)

The Challenge was fun, and I'll do it again next year, but it's over and time to get things back to normal around here. Back to work everyone!!

That said.....


I'm gonna get ya, one way or another, I will catch you:) Not only did you leave all the beer over at MPC, but I know it was you that ate the last tamale before you left yesterday!!!!

Fold On everyone, and remember, we're all here working towards the same common goal, so let's get back to it:)

WTG guys and gals. You gave it a hard push and did very well. If you would have asked anyone over here three weeks ago if they would ever be on the losing end of any folding contest, you would hear snickers and boos. The chimp challenge is no walk in the park. You have to really be prepared to bring it, and bring it hard (no pun intended). You guys did great, and now you know what you have to do next year.

Xilikon did and EXCELLENT job representing your team. He is very professional (way more than I am :D ) and is an asset to you guys.

When the contest was born three years ago, I don't think anyone would have guessed it would have gone global the way it has. It has been my pleasure organizing it. Look for its return next cinco de mayo.

I'd like to thank all the captains from this years chimp challenge: sno.lcn (OCF), Xilikon (~h~ ), and mitsimonsta from OCAU. You guys were of tremendous help, especially when a last minute meeting needed to be called via MSN. I'd also like to thank Clint Davis (OCF), King_N (~h~), and Jason from EOC for supporting the challenge with stats. Thanks to all that helped get the word out to join in on the challenge, and of course, to all that participated. I think great strides were made with raising the awareness of the project. Please take a moment and thank the captains and those that helped out with tracking the stats.

In the end, we're all on the same team striving for the same goals. It was my pleasure meeting many of the fine people on all the different teams. I look forward to dropping by each of the forums and continuing the contacts that were made during the chimp challenge.

Congratulations on your achievements and we'll be doing this next year if you're up for it :eek:
Now that this is over I would like to apologize if I was a bit frustrated that we didn't have more support from our team. I will still stand by the concept that we should postpone personal milestone announcements for the duration of the challenge, but do realize that I was a bit cough forward with people not participating.

As such I'm going to be posting here a lot less, not that I won't lurk.. I'm just going to post on the ocassional good deal or where I can help someone with a problem and limit my personal beliefs, griefs, issues.

That tamale jumped into my mouth all on its own, it was a dirty whore I tell ya.....

But on a serious note, I agree completely with everything KF said. Beers and Tamales all around to all four teams involved in this years epic battle. Thanks to the statsmen for keeping us up to date, and thanks to the 4 captains for the effort not only in the organization of the contest but also for reeling us all back in when it got a little carried away.

Enjoy your victory MPC, you deserve it. However, nobody beats us twice. NOBODY!!!!

Don't forget to thank Steve and Terry Olaes for posting a few news posts on the Chimp Challenge ;)

Don't forget to thank Steve and Terry Olaes for posting a few news posts on the Chimp Challenge ;)

Excellent point. Its easy to forget the contributions of those who aren't around a lot.

Thanks Steve and Terry, you two rock too!

And to Xilikon who can seamlessly slip a folding plug into a thread about hockey. That was smooth. :D

Congrats to all those who participated in the race, we all beefed up our production and it was a helluva lot of fun...mostly because MPC won!!...again :p

I just wish I wasn't out of town for this and could have followed the race more closely....maybe next year, I can PVR it somehow? :D
Can I get my 2 year access (and soon to be lifetime access) to general mayhem so I can read the thread noted above? :p

Congrats to all those who participated in the race, we all beefed up our production and it was a helluva lot of fun...mostly because MPC won!!...again :p

I just wish I wasn't out of town for this and could have followed the race more closely....maybe next year, I can PVR it somehow? :D

Well, you could have set up some scripts to grab a snapshot of the stats page a couple times a day and archived the smack talk threads, but that would probably be too [H]ard for a monkey. :D
