Check out these Windows 7 network copy speeds!


[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
Going from my laptop to a file server running Windows Server 2003 and hardware RAID-5. All over Gigabit.


MOST impressive! :eek:
The way this is labeled (MB/s), it's megabytes per second.

So he'd need to reach 125 MB/s to reach the 1 gigabit speed cap.

Networking speeds (L2/L3 switches) are calculated in bits while file sizes are calculated in bytes.

InorganicMatter: What type of router/switch were you using? Any features turned on, turned off?
125 MB/sec would assume 8 bits * 125BM = 1,000,000,000 but isn't there some overhead with error correction and the like? I.E. 125MB of actual data transfer is not possible because of error correction overhead. I'm asking, not telling because I don't know.
I can only imagine that there is overhead associated with Windows file transfers (TCP/IP stack comes to mind) and maximum speeds. The theoretical number is 125 MB/s. :)
I usually peak at 105MB/s, seen up to 110MB/s. Both 2k8 x64->7x64. I <3 gigabit.
I did a RAMdisk to RAMdisk copy (from my machine to my Wife's) over Gig-E about 20 mins ago, a DVD5 ISO (4.32GB), and it showed 108MB/s when it first started and then climbed to 119MB/s and stayed there till it was done so... it's entirely possible to saturate Gig-E connections pretty easy, especially this way.

Works fine for me/us... :)

(I redid the test about 10 mins ago from my Velociraptor to her WD 640AAKS and it sat at about 105MB/s soooo...)