Cheapest place that hosts game servers?

Jan 14, 2001
My friends and I are wanting to have our own game server hosted because none of us have a big enough pipe to do it ourselves.

How much can I expect to pay and can you recommend a company/website to host our server?

We want to host a Call of Duty server now and then move on to Brothers in Arms when it releases. Thanks.

I used to get a Tribes 1 server from them and they were amazing. I called at 9pm once to get tech support and they were right there and helped beautifully (and they supposedly closed at 6 at the time). Basically their support was amazing and at the time I only payed $4 per player for public for 20 players, which came to $80, and they let me up the number of players for the same price after awhile. It looks like they got a little more expensive since then, but still they had great service and are probably worth checking out.

*edit* I read some more on their site and it sounds like they've improved and added a bunch of stuff to justify the increase in price and you can get $1 off for just adding their name into the server's name. That's a pretty good deal if you ask me.
when the BF42 [H] guys were looking for a colo place, the *cheapest* place is sagonet down in tampa bay, florida. There we paid 50 a month for basically one IP and limitless bandwidth, etc....however that colo is ultra crap.
Then I went searching and found and found a guy in Kansas City that offered us 320GB of data per month on an uncapped 100Mbit line for like 100 bucks. The webpage for our current colo is: Since then, we have scaled it back to 150GB of data per month for 60 bucks.
These prices are for a 1u server case. If you colo a regular tower, you will be paying considerably more.

Pics of the [H] Desert Combat server can be seen here.