cheap spring airsoft guns $3.80 shipped

pxc said:
I got the $4.95 Uzis today from eGadgets (OOS now). I shots some pellets into a plastic bubble bag and was a little disappointed that they didn't pierce it, so I decided to shoot one into my hand from 2 feet away. Ouch, that stings. I have a nice round shaped bump on my finger now. :D

These shoot about 4-5 pellets per second and each uzi came with 100 pellets. Soon each will have zero pellets as i lose them all. The pellets bounce very far when they strike something hard.

You have a link? The uzis on the Vista Wholesale site are $17.65. $4.95 for an auto would be cool..

Dom12 said:
You have a link? The uzis on the Vista Wholesale site are $17.65. $4.95 for an auto would be cool..

The uzis at eGadgets were $4.95. OOS = out of stock. :p You even quoted both of those things in my post.

The link is several posts up, but like I predicted it sold out before I got my order.
pxc said:
By the time my order is delivered, it will probably be sold out.
The Uzis were definitely worth a lot more than $5 each. :D
Pete84 said:
So these guns are pretty good quality for the price? Feel like picking some up for fun.


Hey is this AIDS ridden whore good quality for $5 ??
Hey is this moldy cheeseburger a good buy for $0.10 ??
Hey is that termite infested, mostly burned down, bum urine covered house worth $1000 ??

Nothing about these guns is "pretty good". They the worst quality airsoft product you will ever buy. I mean, hello?? They are $2 each. I can't imagine any of those guns shooting more than 25 ft with junk 0.12g pellets. I seriously wonder if the barrels are even made out of metal at that price.

I'll be watching this thread for the inevitable "wow, what a piece of shit" comments. :D

I think you all would be better off spending $15-20 on a single springer pistol. You'd be much happier with it than 5+ junkers that'll break in a matter of days.
v3rt1g0 said:

Hey is this AIDS ridden whore good quality for $5 ??
Hey is this moldy cheeseburger a good buy for $0.10 ??
Hey is that termite infested, mostly burned down, bum urine covered house worth $1000 ??

And in case you missed the forum title, this is hot deals... getting something for less or much less than usual. MSRP for the same gun doesn't make it any better. :rolleyes:
v3rt1g0 said:
My POINT being.. $2 for a piece of shit, is not hot.. It's not even a good deal.
This is not a case of getting the same product for less money.
So if I understand you, these $1.90 guns are under $2 everywhere? Links, please. :rolleyes:

I did get my guns Friday and they're the same ones you can pay $10 each if you look around online (excluding shipping), or around $10 on ebay including inflated shipping. So, in other words, this qualifies as a hot deal.
I bought 2 guns and like 1000 of the bb's it was $15 shipping. I spend that much on coffee everyday. Got my gun's shot my roommate while he was sleeping, laughed my ass off, worth $15
ok, someone do a quality check.

take a peice of paper w/ a 2" circle drawn in the middle and hang it from the ceiling.

if you can stand 20ft away and put a hole in the 2" circle, then i would say that its worth your $2.

me and my friends went through an airsoft loving phase. two of us got guns for $30-40 and the third got a $10 gun. he gave us so much shit about paying too much, until he found out that his gun only shot accurately and powerfully for the first 10 feet while me and the other friend could shatter aol cds from 20ft.

this could be a really great deal, but the guns could also be crap. if they are crap, sell them to stupid friends for a slight profit, and then spend that money on a good gun and own the shit out of them when you have an airsoft battle.
mycomputersucks said:
ok, someone do a quality check.

take a peice of paper w/ a 2" circle drawn in the middle and hang it from the ceiling.
The sight on the first one I tested is a little low (1.25" @ 20'), but it passed the 2" grouping test easily at 20' after compensating. :p I'll admit that surprised me.

This deal obviously wasn't for airsoft snobs or for a top of the line competition gun. It's a toy that's: 1) cheap, 2) fun and 3) fun. ;) On FW it turned into a "quiet the neighbor's dog at night deal." Too bad vistawholesale didn't have a deal on goggles.
Somebody earlier in the thread mentioned spring replacement. For those of you that bought some, does that seem plausible for these guns? I may buy a couple.
Cheap springers are how many real airsofters got started. Most start with 2-5 dollar crap.. then they jump to either tokyo marui springers or the UHC knockoffs. Then it's a gas blowback pistol or a spring rifle. Then the big jump to AEGs. From there.. it's a whole new world.. Unless you want to be disappointed.. stay away from the higher quality springers :D

For your own safety, do not flash these in public.. Last thing I want to see on tv is how some kid (or adult) got shot for waving these replicas around. Use good judgement.. if I cop can't tell the difference, he will treat it as the real thing.

EDIT: For the people adding larger springs.. make sure it doesn't put so much pressure that the gun shatters and you have plastic shrapenel in your face :(