Cheap Cases With Free Shipping! -

Laforge said:
01-08-2005, 05:58 PM #1

It was also posted 6 *weeks* ago.

The deals aren't dead : the session'ed links are.

go to and click on "Cases" -- and you'll still see the bargains.
Ah, ok. I didn't notice that. To the person asking if I was paid to post these links or whatever, please, get real. Just becuase I joined recently and happened to post it doesn't mean ANYTHING. I active at the Anandtech forums (where IIIRC posted there as well). I only registered here for the Hot Deals forum, and I rarely post, reason why I am a still a "n00bie". I really do wonder why someone would post such an old topic on the main page though.
I bought one of those $6 silver cases and the $3 multimedia keyboard from Ebuyer maybe 2 weeks ago. I got the stuff in like 5 days (there was a weekend in there though), and my only complaint was that I never recieved ship notification.
*shrug* I didn't see the original so this was a good thread to me.

I check ebuyer now and then to see if anything else gets that cheap now!
I just got this casehere at Ebuyer for about $14 shipped. Not a bad case for the money at all. Fast shipping as well. I ordered one night and it was shipped out the next day. Going to use it in a cheap system build for a neighbor.
I bought one of the cases back in January I think I placed my order on like the 26th or so and it came in like 5 days via UPS they put the delivered by date on there to cover their arses...btw the case I bought wasn't bad for $15 my sister is prob gonna get it for her comp.
Well I just ordered one. I'll follow up soon with a first impression and some pics. :D
Hartlove said:
did anyone get a matching $4 power supply?

I ordered two plus two of the PS's.

For those of you complaining about not receiving shipping notification etc., if you had paid attention when you ordered you would have seen the expected delivery date.

Not to mention you can go and check your order and see the expected delivery date as well as progress.

Quit your damn whining. For 15 bucks, what'd you expect Caviar and Champagne?
i just ordered the Ebuyer KG-188 Grey Case Only, says it will arive by the 15, no hurrys for me thou, im planing on modding it(read, its gunna probly die a painfull and horrable death)

oh and to who ever asked about how they can make them so cheap, yet lian-li is so much, ebuyer = they are useing kids to do thre work, lian-li isnt and you are also part paying there name
well i got my case week or so ago, noticed that teh box looked like it had gone threw hell, the metal parts were ok but sadly the door wasnt, i sent an RMA request in(asking them to just send a new front panel, no point in paying the extra to ship the case, as of now they are sending me a new case and letting me keep the old one

all in all, you get what you pay for but there custmer service is on par and somewhat fast :)