Cheap 52x Burner $9.98 after rebates..


[H]F Junkie
Jan 8, 2003
Heres a cheap 52x CDRW it's at office max dunno if it is a rebranded Lite-on here's the link
fixed the link if it doesn't work here's the earl

You'll have to copy and paste
I just bought one Sunday for a computer that I'm building for my brothers step-son. So far so good and at $10 after rebate it will be hard to beat. Too bad Lite-On's never get this cheap.
Yeah, I bought one to upgrade a friends computer. I just installed and tested it, and it is fine. It's a big upgrade for him since his last burner was a cheap 4x HP burner (so many buffer underruns, and it takes about 40 min to burn a whole CD). The software it comes with is Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 and Photosuite 5.
not sure if this is a benq or not. i thought microadv makes their own drives...

the last liteons OM had were cendyne and you might find some on their clearance tables in the stores.

i bought a 40125s badged as a cendyne lightning 3 (2+ yrs ago) and a 52246 in an external enclosure.

i actually have 2 of the 52246 ext usb as i bought one last august right b4 cendyne went bye bye and just recently saw one sitting on the table and snatched it up cause it was 29.00 no rebates.
i got a pacific digital a while ago, and i flashed it with liteon firmware. works alot better now. i can actually burn at 48x