Chasing the 900 Million Point Month


Jan 21, 2006
At the 6 a.m EOC update:

Points so far this month: 685,162,704

- 685,162,704

Updates at EOC are 8 per day: 8 x 6 = 48 plus half the day on Friday the 25th = 48 + 4, plus 1 more update remaining before (9 am) Noon equals
53 total updates remaining in May.

// The 34 I used for the original divisor should have been 53, I can't read my own writing (garbage numbers updated)

So we need to average 214,837,296 / 53 updates, or 4,053,534 points per update, to reach the goal

We'll be with you in 6 hours and change. Let's DO THIS!

[H] - start us off! :D
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If all WUs complete successfully, I will gen about 2M points today.

With people helping out in various teams with the CC, I do not know if we will be able to hit it. We will see what happens though :)
The CC is all but done!

7:am update on EOC is a mere 2.77 million!

THAT won't do it!

C'mon [H], where you at? C'mon out and lose some fat! :D

Let's get this train a rolling!
Well my 1,124,181 points are in for the day. that is almost my max for a day

You've done very well indeed then, Rascal. Great job!

But you are not the one's I'm addressing here. We've got


here, and I'm not talking about shoes!

Let's get this train up to speed here -- time's a'wasting guys!

Damn I peddelin as fast as I can, Got all the boxen back folding for 33 may have to fire a couple more up (if I can find enough power) Atlas should be getting bloody fingers pretty soon putting together a couple more 4P's, but I think heat may also be playing a little bit of a role in the 900,000,000 quest. It will be a tough goal but it may be possible. I will lay odds that team 33 will reach that goal sooner or latter though.
Damn I peddelin as fast as I can, Got all the boxen back folding for 33 may have to fire a couple more up (if I can find enough power) Atlas should be getting bloody fingers pretty soon putting together a couple more 4P's, but I think heat may also be playing a little bit of a role in the 900,000,000 quest. It will be a tough goal but it may be possible. I will lay odds that team 33 will reach that goal sooner or latter though.

If I can score some more 212+'s this afternoon, I'll have a 3rd 4p online. Those damn A6's are way too loud to run in the apartment.
I'm sure your right GrandPa, but I'm not a patient man, and I am not here for


I'm here to help the big red [H] get 900 Million points THIS MONTH!

Phuut! with later. :D

So let's hook up the hardware we need, hook up the fans (minus the A6's which are not tolerable in a living space), and let's get rolling!
Provantage is taking their time shipping so I won't make this month but I should be ready to go for a June 4p push.
So Wings, what can you do to maximize your points right now?

We're dealing with a 6 1/2 day time-frame here.
Ok, I'm going to jump off BOINC later today and help with the push.
I went out side and watched the power meter spin for a little while. I think I can get a couple more RPM's out of it before it flies off the wall. I have a couple more gulfies I can fire up now I just need to find a circuit breaker that will stand the load. :(
I literally pulled all stops, got the laptops all running unis, the q6600 OCd and pushing and same with the 2600k, I'm giving it all she's got capt'n!
:eek: Operation Banana incoming


As Adak has mentioned during Chimp Challenge we are organizing a way of saying thanks to all the people
and teams that have helped us during the challenge. Therefore I'd like to introduce
"Operation Banana"
The operation starts at the end of Chimp Challenge.
It has been an honor to battle along side you all.
the_cultie & Adak :salute:

Within this operation we have organised a number of missions to help the people and teams that have helped us.
Each mission is color coded to match the mission map below.

Helping [H]
This mission begins on Friday 25th after Chimp Challenge winds up. We will sail from our home on Monkey Island aboard the USS Poo Flinger to port at [H] Haven.
We will unload supplies and help in their battle with EVGA until the end of the month.
Folding name: OCFthanks[H]
Team number: 33
Passkey: 3311d92fd7ee331bd66dfe6eea01708b

Thanking TRP
On the 1st of June we shall weigh anchor and steam for Raptor Islands. Here we shall deliver the most prized item on the islands;
completed work units. We will remain in port for 3 days.
Folding name: OCFthanksTRP
Team number: 74960
Passkey: 3311d92fd7ee331bd66dfe6eea01708b

SETI Tsunami
On the 4th of June we shall depart Raptor Islands for UFO Archipelago. Stay alert as we pass through the straight of E.T.
strange things have been reported there. When we dock we shall bring enough fire power to create a tsunami to wash over their enemies.
While docked Admiral Adak is flying off on a top secret covert mission to Tom's Hardware's secret bunker.
For the SETI mission you can use your own username. Again, we will remain in port for 3 days.

Rosetta Rescue
On the 7th of June we shall steam to Rosetta Refuge. We shall stay here for 7 days as we unload much need fuel that they graciously
donated to us to keep the USS Poo Flinger going during the battle.
Again, you can use your own username.

Return to Monkey Island
On the morning of the 14th of June we shall return home to resume our regular folding mission. The USS Poo Flinger
will be brought into dry dock where she will be given a compete overhaul in preparation for next years battle.

I generally take a dim view of laptop folding, but I've certainly done it myself - just watch your temps.

Zink, now you're talking! Who else can we get into the chase here? Let's bring 'em into this!

It's not raining inside tonight --- Everyone!

Hmmm, (Gets the note):

Mrs. O'malley, out in the valley,
suffered from ulcers, I understand.

She swallowed a cake,
of GrandMa's lyesoap.

Now she's got the cleanest ulcers in the land!

Let's get it rolling, [H]!​

You want me to quit a'singing, you better git a'folding! :p :p
Hahahaheh That is awesome! Is it me, or has the [H]orde melted all of the ice in antarctica? Still, greatly appreciated, and I'm firing up my spare Phenom quad is I can scare up a power supply.

Off to scour the boards before a trip to Fry's!
I agree about your dim view, which is why I'm only doing Uni's, I tried doing SMP for a few hours and I was scared by the temps produced...
Last update on EOC was much better at 4.3 M, but that's NOT enough.

Let's throw the switch here and get this sweet folding train a'rolling!
I'm trying, but the bloody FAH servers keep giving me junk WU's! (as bitched about extensively in another thread) Am keeping an eye on this for the next few hours... really would prefer that these boxes do bigadv over this long weekend; but they'll all be doing SMP at the very least!
I appreciate it, DSee!

The CC is all but over, you can recall your buddy's with no fear of upsetting the final results.

Let's get 'em in here, and get this train MOVING!

I'd like to announce that the USS Poo Flinger has arrived in [H] Haven bringing much needed supplies and troops for the battle with EVGA. We will be in dock until the end of the month.
With perfect timing! The ship is much faster than it appears to be! :D
With perfect timing! The ship is much faster than it appears to be! :D

We pushed hard to get here but thankfully the engines raised to the challenge. While in port I will be trying to overclock the engines some more :p

Grab a tamale!

We just restocked the beer fridge for you all :)
Kendrak you have been holding out on me, more choices there than last time...
Thanks for the warm (and filling, I must say!) welcome.

Now, let's get this folding train up to speed. We'll have an update from EOC in a few minutes. That will show us where we sit with the goal.
You guys have a "graph guy" on your team?

Without a graph, I can tell you that we're running 2 Million + points behind on the 6 pm (EOC time), update. I'm saying we need 2+ Million more points EACH UPDATE, around the clock, to reach the goal of 900 Million points.The crew of the USS Poo Flinger can pick up some of that, but we can't pick up all of that.

Well, we'll see. If I don't find a graph person, I'll try and work it out myself, but can't happen before tomorrow. (late).

<< Let's get folding [H] >>​
I am doing my best! 11.8 Million Points so far this month. If my average continues I will be between 14.8 Million and 15 Million for the month which will be my best month on record.
Well I have as much poo going as I can muster I now have 5- Gulfies -smp, 1-2700k smp GPU GTX580 GTX460, 1 - Laptop smp GPU and 3 - 4P's :D