changing pirated xp pro to genuine


Extremely [H]
Oct 7, 2000
im working on a laptop that had a legit xp home on it but someone loaded a pirated copy of pro, now the geniune tool keeps coming up. is it possible to use a new legit xp pro key and xpkeyfinder to change it to the legit product key and stop the wgat from coming up?
thanks for the reply but for some reason it wont change, it says it was mistyped. so im going to "repair" xp using the new legit key.
thanks again
Changing serial wont work because the laptop is prolly using a volume license release of windows, time to format and reinstall a retail copy.

I would also recommend a Wipe and reload. This is always the best solution. Also, you will know it is completely legit then.

Good Luck!
I was wondering how to do just the opposite ..I'm working on a legit copy of winxp pro and want to switch it to a pirated version of xp home ...


lol. i got it working by doing the "repair". i was trying to save them the expense of a full rebuild thats why i didnt wipe and start fresh. they had alot of stuff on the system and it was running fine except for the wga crap.
Axeldoomeyer said:
I would also recommend a Wipe and reload. This is always the best solution. Also, you will know it is completely legit then.

Yeah... a pirated OS would always leave me feeling a little uncomfortable. It wouldn't be about it being legit or not but I'd always wonder if somebody had slipped something in there on me.
Volume licenses are common at big firms, universities and tech college instutions.
Usually at the beginning of a product cycle when these images are leaked you can find legit keys on the net.
Its actually quite a shame that this happens since MS confides in these places NOT TO LEAK something they paid a vast amount for.
That being said, one out of every three repairs that come in to my shop has a VL installed with an illegal key. The big problem for me is, if the PC needs a brand new install, I can't do it unless they buy a legit copy off me.
This leads many customers to get an unofficial uncertified tech to come to their home to reinstall a bogus license and save money.
I'm still stumped as to why MS couldn't lower their old Software Products costs for home users, they've already sold zillions.
na its not made for pirating
if you actually read some of the TOS or something like that
it is made for people who have legit copies of xp but that havbe problems with windows update
and remove genuine notifier isnt illegal to my knowledge ...
So this removes Genuine Advantage and patches it so MS thinks you're legit...
No backdoors to this magical mystery tool that alleviates one of piracies new pains?
Somehow, I doubt it.........
well sry bout the earlier post, didnt really think
it doesnt remove genuine advantage.
it can remove genuine *notification*. the thingy in the taskbar or whatever.
i dont really know cause i dont have it.
and no, no backdoors. feel free to scan it. i gave (gotta find it yourself i guess)